What year did Alexander destroy the palace at Persepolis? Why was Persepolis a significant place to destroy? Whose palace was it at Persepolis? What was the name of the mistress, who according to the vulgate, convinced Alexander to burn the palace? Who killed Darius? What year was the battle at Gaugamela What special weapons did Darius have for this battle? How did the phalanx troops cleverly avoid the special weapons What happened at the end of the battle at Gaugamela? Why could Alexander not chase his enemy straight away?
What year did Alexander destroy the palace at Persepolis? 330 Why was Persepolis a significant place to destroy? Represented the strength of the persian empire Whose palace was it at Persepolis? King Darius What was the name of the mistress, who according to the vulgate, convinced Alexander to burn the palace? Thais Who killed Darius? Persian Satraps –Nabarzanes and Barasaentes. Bessus put him under arrest. What year was the battle at Gaugamela 331 What special weapons did Darius have for this battle? Scythe chariots and elephants How did the phalanx troops cleverly avoid the special weapons split apart to create ‘corridors’ for them to pass through What happened at the end of the battle at Gaugamela?Darius ran away Why could Alexander not chase his enemy straight away? Parmenio needed help
The battle at Hydaspes / Jhelum 326 BC Military matters/Battles
\. \. \. \MY VIDEOS\youtube videos for teaching\alexander\hydaspes ..\..\..\..\MY VIDEOS\youtube videos for teaching\alexander\hydaspes..94&ipbits=16&expire=1213325065&key=yt1&sver=2
Alexander was not fighting Darius anymore. India was divided into a number of small states, each with its own ruler. Porus ruled the lands beyond the river Indus. Alexander wanted to keep invading because: He enjoyed the thrill Under Darius, the Persian Empire extended up to the Indus river. Alexander wanted to reach that far too.
Before the battle ..\..\..\..\MY VIDEOS\youtube videos for teaching\alexander\Battle of Hydaspes River Part 2.flv
River is swollen From monsoon Rains & melting Winter snows. It was Too deep for horses To cross. Alexander needed a Plan to get across the river Alexander’s first major problem was how to cross the river when faced with an enemy determined not to let him cross, and then if he did manage the crossing, how to confront the elephants. Alexander knew that his horses would never survive the crossing but would panic at the sight of the elephants and jump off the rafts. He would be left without his vital cavalry. The river had to be crossed, so, as it could not be done openly, Alexander determined to attain his object by cunning. (Arrian)
Alexander did a trick!He made many fake moves to cross the river The Macedonians Keep pretending to cross the river Each time the Indians come out expecting to fight Alexander did a trick!He made many fake moves to cross the river – each time they came out to cross the river Porus became tired of this routine after a while & waited at his camp for a messenger to tell him when they were there.
Craterus + 2000 cavalry + 9000 infantry Meleager +1000 cavalry + 16000 infantry Alexander Porus + army Alexander then crossed the river at night during a storm and left members of his army on the other side. They were instructed to make a lot of noise & light fires and pretend as though they were the whole army
Porus’ son 2. Alexander men easily defeated Porus’ son and the 400 chariots (which got stuck in the mud) Porus son was killed. Porus + army 1. Alexander was spotted crossing the river Porus thought it was only a small group of the army (he thought the rest were still across the river) so Porus sent his son ahead with chariots to deal with the people.
The battle smart board hydaspes battle.gwb Then write down ‘The main battle’ and ‘After the battle’ on p. 66 Paul Artus Yay! Battles = finished!