Genetics of Bacteria Ⅰ Genetic Materials Ⅱ Mechanisms of variation ⅠⅡⅢ Ⅰ Genetic Materials Ⅱ Mechanisms of variation DR.Ahmed MD
Ⅰ. Genetic materials
Plasmid Chromosome DNA of bacteriophage Transposable element (transposon)
Virulence changing: pathogenicity island 1.Chromosome Virulence changing: pathogenicity island (PAI), encoding drug resistance All of the essential genes and many nonessential genes of the bacterium are generally carried on a single, long piece of circular double-stranded DNA. This molecular structure is called the “chromosome” by analogy with the heredity-carriers of eukaryotic cells. Most bacteria have chromosomes that contain 2,000 to 4,000 genes.
Pathogenicity islands Pathogenicity islands are discrete genetic elements that encode virulence factors, such as toxins, adhesins, secretion systems, and iron transport proteins. These islands, which range in size from 10 to 200 kB, can be horizontally transferred between bacteria, resulting in enhanced virulence and fitness in the recipient. Horizontal gene transfer is any process (such as transformation, transduction, or bacterial conjugation) in which an organism incorporates genetic material from another organism without being the progeny of that organism. By contrast, vertical transfer occurs when an organism receives genetic material from its ancestor, for example, a species from which it has evolved. Pathogenicity islands differ from the rest of the chromosome in G+C content and are usually flanked in the recipient's chromosome by repeated sequence elements or genes that encode tRNAs.
2.Plasmids definition: Extrachromosomal genetic elements that are capable of autonomous replication (replicon) episome - a plasmid that can integrate into the chromosome
plasmid Self-replicating circular pieces of DNA 1-5% the size of bacterial chromosome “mini-chromosome” Bacteria can store up many different plasmids for their use & can transfer these to other bacteria. They can contain any gene that the bacteria don’t require but are useful to the survival of the bacteria. For example antibiotic resistance genes, toxin production, etc.
Plasmids can carry genes that encode toxins or proteins that promote the transfer of the plasmid to other cells but usually do not include genes that are essential for cell growth or replication. Many plasmids contain mobile DNA sequences (transposons) that can move between plasmids and between plasmids and the chromosome . Transposons, the repository for many antibiotic resistance genes, are responsible for the ability of some plasmids to integrate into the chromosome.
Types of Plasmids Transfer properties Phenotypic effects Conjugative Nonconjugative Phenotypic effects Fertility (F plasmid) Virulence plasmid (Vi plasmid) Colicinogenic plasmid ( Col plasmid) Resistance plasmid (R plasmid) Throughout
Antibiotic Resistance (R) Plasmids Some plasmids can carry many antibiotic resistance genes. When bacteria collect many plasmids and these plasmids have many antibiotic resistance genes, a “superbug” may originate.
3.Transportable Elements Definition: Segments of DNA that are able to move from one location to another (IS+Tn) Properties “Random” movement Not capable of self replication Transposition mediated by site-specific recombination Transposase Transposition may be accompanied by duplication
Transposons (Tn) Definition: Elements that carry other genes except those involved in transposition Nomenclature - Tn10 Structure Composite Tns IS Resistance Gene(s) Importance Antibiotic resistance
Transposons Transposons- Small segments of DNA that can move (be transposed) from one region of a DNA molecule to another. “jumping genes” Involved in Changes in traits such as colony morphology, pigmentation, and antigenic characteristics Replacement of damaged DNA Intermicrobial transfer of drug resistance (in bacteria)
A replicative transposon can move from place to place in the chromosome, leaving a copy of itself behind at the previous site.
Insertion sequences (IS) Definition: Elements that carry no other genes except those involved in transposition Transposase ABCDEFG GFEDCBA Importance Mutation Plasmid insertion Inversive repeat sequence
4. Bacteriophage (Phage) Definition - Obligate intracellular parasites that multiply inside bacteria by making use of some or all of the host biosynthetic machinery. Utilize
Bacteriophage replication. Clock indicates total elapsed time starting with attachment at t = 0.
Composition and Structure Nucleic acid Genome Modified bases Protein Protection Infection Head/Capsid Contractile Sheath Tail shell Structure (T4) Head or capsid Tail Tail Fibers Base Plate
Infection of Host Cells Adsorption LPS for T4 Irreversible attachment Penetration Sheath Contraction Nucleic acid injection
Types of Bacteriophage Virulent pgage Lysogenic or temperate phage 1.Lytic or virulent phage: Phage that can only multiply within bacteria and kill the cell by lysis. (e.g., T4)
Virulent phage Infection of a bacterium with a virulent phage inevitably results in the death of the cell by lysis, with release of newly replicated phage particles. Under optimal conditions, a bacterial cell infected with only one phage particle can produce hundreds of progeny in 20 minutes. [Note: Generally, phage that attack one bacterial species do not attack other bacterial species.]
Bacteriophage lytic life cycle
2.Lysogenic or temperate phage: Phage that can either multiply via the lytic cycle or enter a quiescent state in the bacterial cell. (e.g., ) Expression of most phage genes repressed Prophage Lysogen
A bacterium infected with a temperate phage can have the same fate as a bacterium infected with a virulent phage (lysis rapidly following infection). However, an alternative outcome is also possible: Namely, after entering the cell, the phage DNA, rather than replicating autonomously, can integrate into the chromosome of the host cell. In this state (prophage), the expression of phage genes is repressed indefinitely by a regulatory protein encoded within the phage genome. No new phage particles are produced, the host cell survives, and the phage DNA replicates as part of the host‘ chromosome.
Significance of Lysogeny Lysogenic or phage conversion Definition: A change in the phenotype of a bacterial cell as a consequence of lysogeny Modification of Salmonella O antigen Toxin production by Corynebacterium diphtheriae Epitope, phenotype
Bacteriophage Significance Gene transfer in bacteria or in mechanisms of bacterial variation Medical applications Identification of bacteria - phage typing Treatment and prophylaxis Understanding variation of bacteria in virulence and drug resistance
Mechanism of lysogeny Lysogenic bacteria carry a prophage. This phenomenon is termed “lysogeny,” and the bacterial cell is said to be “lysogenized.” Nonlysogenic bacteria can be made lysogenic by infection with a temperate phage. The association of prophage and bacterial cell is highly stable but can be destabilized by various treatments, such as exposure to ultraviolet light, that damage the host DNA. When DNA damage occurs, repression of phage genes is lifted, and the prophage excises from the host chromosome, replicates autonomously, and produces progeny phag particles. The host cell is lysed just as with a virulent phage. The emergence of the virus from its latent prophage state is called induction. The acquisition by bacteria of properties due to the presence of a prophage is called lysogenic conversion.
Ⅱ. Mechanisms of Variation Gene mutation Gene transfer and recombination
Mechanisms of genetic variation of bacteria 1. Gene Mutation
Some mutations are unstable (that is, they frequentl revert back to their original state), and others do not noticeabl affect the organism. Mutations that come under study are usually those that are stable and that cause some change in the characteristics of the organism. Mutations can be classified according to the kind of chemical change that occurs in the DNA or, when the mutation affects a protein-coding gene, by the effect the mutation has on the translation of the message.
Mutations arise in bacterial populations Mutations in Bacteria Mutations arise in bacterial populations Induced Spontaneous Gene transfer occurs in bacteria Phenotypic variation rug-resistant mutants
Experiment of Replica culture Confirmed selection of drug resistance
2. Gene transfer and recombination Mechanisms of genetic variation of bacteria 2. Gene transfer and recombination
Transformation Definition: Gene transfer resulting from the uptake of DNA from a donor. Factors affecting transformation DNA size and state 10~20 genes Sensitive to nucleases Competence of the recipient (Bacillus, Haemophilus, Neisseria, Streptococcus) Competence factor Induced competence
Transformation Occurs when naked DNA fragments of one bacteria are close to another living cell. Some bacteria have the ability to pick up naked DNA fragments and recombine the DNA into their own DNA The new recombinant cell now has some new DNA from the disintegrating cell. The now transformed bacteria could have just picked up a new virulence factor or antibody resistance
Transformation of S.pneumonia
Steps Significance Uptake of exogenous DNA Recombination Recombinant DNA technology
Transduction Types of transduction The transfer of donor gene to recipient is mediated by temperate phage Bacterial DNA is transferred from a donor cell to recipient inside a virus that infects bacteria Bacteriophage (phage) Types of transduction Generalized Transduction in which potentially any donor bacterial gene can be transferred. Specialized Transduction in which only certain donor genes can be transferred
Mechanism of Transduction Virus mediated gene transfer The virus injects its genetic material into the bacteria The bacterial DNA is fragmented
Mechanism of Transduction Viral particles are produced by the bacteria When the cell lyses, the viral particles which have picked up DNA from the original bacterial cell now insert that DNA into a new cell. The new cell may or may not insert the new DNA sequence into its chromosome. Transduction can be a problem when the inserted DNA codes for an antibiotic resistance gene.
Generalized Transduction Infection of Donor Phage replication and degradation of host DNA Assembly of phages particles Release of phage Infection of recipient Recombination
Generalized transduction
Specialized Transduction mediated by lysogenic phage Excision of the prophage Replication and release of phage Infection of the recipient Lysogenization of the recipient A deviation take place this moment called specialization transduction.
Lysogenic conversion The gene transfer from donor to recipient is mediated by temperate phage Exotoxin ( virulent protein ) prophage
Significance Lysogenic conversion Corynebacterium diphtheriae producing diphtheria toxin Clostridium botulinum produceing Botulinum toxin Stretococcus pyogen producing pyrogenic exotoxin
Conjugation Gene of donor transferred to recipient is mediated by sex pilus , Movement of a plasmid b/w two cells Plasmid: small, self-replicating, gene-containing circular piece of DNA Requires direct cell to cell contact Opposite mating types (donor cell has a plasmid, recipient cells do not)
Conjugation A donor cell contains a F (fertility) plasmid making it F+. A conjugation pilus (genes for which are on the F+ plasmid) forms and the donor cell transfers a copy of the F plasmid to the recipient. Now, both cells have a F plasmid F+ plasmids can have other genes on them too, for example antibody resistance containing genes
Mating types in bacteria Donor Mating types in bacteria Donor F factor (Fertility factor) F (sex) pilus F+ Recipient Recipient Lacks an F factor F-
Physiological states of F factor Autonomous (F+) Characteristics of F+ x F- crosses F- becomes F+ while F+ remains F+ Low transfer of donor chromosomal genes F+
Autonomous with donor genes (F’) Characteristics of F’ x F- crosses F- becomes F’ while F’ remains F’ High transfer of donor genes on F’ and low transfer of other donor chromosomal genes Hfr F’ Automatic autonomous
Resistant transfer factor, RTF R determinant R plasmid
Significance of conjugation Gram negative bacteria Antibiotic resistance Rapid spread Gram positive bacteria Production of adhesive factors by donor cells
Mechanisms of acquired antibiotic resistance 1. Decreased uptake of antibiotic: Gram-negative organisms can limit the penetration of certain agents, including β-lactam anti - biotics, tetracyclines, and chloramphenicol, as a result of alteration in the number and structure of porins (proteins that form channels) in the outer membrane. 2. Antibiotic efflux: Some gram-negative organisms encode multicomponent membrane-imbedded efflux systems that recognize and pump out diverse, toxic substances, including detergents and antibiotics. Expression of these systems is generally tightly regulated and often induced by the presence of substrates recognized by the pump.
3. Alteration of the target site for antibiotic: Streptococcu pneumoniae resistance to β-lactam antibiotics, for example, involves alterations in one or more of the major bacterial penicillin-binding proteins ,which results in decreased binding of the antibiotic to its target. 4. Acquisition of the ability to destroy or modify the antibiotic: Examples of antibiotic inactivating enzymes include: 1) β-lactamases that hydrolytically inactivate the β-lactam ring of penicillins, cephalosporins, and related drugs; 2) acetyltransferases that transfer an acetyl group to the antibiotic, inactivating chloramphenicol or aminoglycosides; and 3) esterases that hydrolyze the lactone ring of macrolides.
5. Acquisition of a new target: Some Staphylococcus aureus isolates, for example, are vancomycin resistant due to expression of newly acquired genes that modify the D-ala-D-ala (the target of vancomycin) residues on the stem peptide, converting them instead to D-ala-D-lac. Although this new target is effectively polymerized to form a peptidoglycan network with sufficient stability, D-ala-D-lac is not bound by vancomycin, and, therefore, the antimicrobial agent is no longer effective.
A. Glycine bridge in the peptidoglycan of Staphylococcus aureus. B A. Glycine bridge in the peptidoglycan of Staphylococcus aureus. B. Organization of peptidoglycan layer in gram-positive cells.
Question 1 A lysogenic bacterium A. carries a prophage. B. causes lysis of other bacteria on contact. C. cannot support the replication of a virulent phage. D. is often a human pathogen. E. is usually not capable of conjugal genetic transfer.
Correct answer = A. A lysogenic bacterium can generate phage because it carries phage genes in a latent state (prophage). Lysogeny does not impart any special lytic properties to the bacterium nor, in general, does it affect conjugal transfer or the ability to support the replication of other unrelated phage. The presence of a prophage can convert certain bacteria to human pathogens, but such cases are rare.
Question 2 Which one of the following statements concerning plasmids is true? A. All plasmids can be transfered between bacteria by conjugation. B. Much of the information coded in the plasmid is essential to the survival of the bacteria cell. C. Resistance plasmids carry genes for antibiotic resistance. D. Resistance plasmids cannot be transferred to other bacterial cells. E. Plasmids lack an origin of replication.
Correct answer = C. Plasmids are small, circular, supercoiled DNA molecules found in some bacteria. They usually do not carry essential genes, but some plasmids, such as R (resistance) plasmids, carry genes coding for antibiotic resistance. All plasmids have their own origin of replication, so that they are replicated along with the host chromosome and passed along to progeny cells. Only some plasmids possess genes that allow for transmittal to other bacteria by the process of conjugation.
Question 3 What occurs when a temperate bacteriophage enters a state called “lysogeny”? A. Most viral genes are expressed. B. The bacterial cell is lysed. C. Many new viruses are produced. D. Most normal bacterial functions are turned off. E. The virus may become integrated into the host genome.
Correct answer = E There are two types of bacteriophages: 1 lytic and 2 temperate. The distinction is made according to the life cycle of the bacteriophage. On entering a bacterium, lytic phages produce phage nucleic acids and proteins, assemble many new phage particles, lyse the cell, and release the progeny phage. Temperate phages, however, can penetrate the bacterium and enter a dormant state called lysogeny, in which most viral genes are repressed. Bacterial functions remain active and the bacterium is not harmed. Some dormant phages replicate as plasmids; others, such as phage λ (lambda), become integrated into the host genome as prophages. The prophage DNA is replicated along with the host DNA as the bacterium grows and divides.
Question 4 A virulence factor can be transferred from one strain of bacteria to another in a genetic process that is independent of cell-to-cell contact between the donor and the recipient. Addition of DNase does not interfere with the transfer of the virulence factor either. From these characteristics, which of the following processes is involved in this genetic transfer? A. Conjugation B. Transformation C. Transduction D. Transposition E. Transversion
Correct answer = C Transduction is the process by which genetic material is transferred from donor to recipient within a bacteriophage. This process does not require cell-to-cell contact and is resistant to DNase. Conjugation requires cellto- cell contact between the donor and receipient cells. Transformation involves the exchange of naked DNA between donor and recipient in the absence of cell-to cell contact. However, DNA transformation is sensitive to DNase treatment. Transposition is the process in which a transposon excises from one location and integrates in another location within the same bacterial cell. Thus this process would not explain the transfer of a genetic marker between different bacterial cells. Transversion is not a means of genetic exchange.