LAMAS Working Group 17-18 June 2015 Agenda Item 4.3 Anonymised microdata Frank.
New core LFS education variables ISCED 2011 variables; from 2014 onwards Revised: HATLEVEL, HATFIELD, EDUCLEVL New: HATVOC, EDUCVOC The LAMAS Working Group is invited to support inclusion of the new and revised LFS education variables in the anonymised LFS microdata without further aggregation
Anonymisation 2013 ad hoc module Topic: Accidents at work and other work-related health problems No anonymisation of 2007 module on same topic No new critical variables The LAMAS Working Group is invited to support inclusion of the 2013 AHM in the anonymised LFS microdata without further aggregation
Information issues 4th European User Conference on EU microdata (March 2015, Mannheim, Germany) Presentation on 'Flow statistics: work towards longitudinal analyses based on the LFS' Future need to discuss longitudinal microdata for researchers On-going work on public use files from LFS and SILC – project of Eurostat and 7 NSIs