Shed exercise VIA / TCU 4th semester workshop VIA University College TCU-VIA Workshop JMOG 1
Shed exercise VIA / TCU 4th semester workshop Purpose with the assignment: To learn to use WBS still… To be familiar with the buildings materials To be better in processes To take out quantities on a small project To make more planning To know constructions even more VIA University College TCU-VIA Workshop JMOG 2
Shed exercise VIA / TCU 4th semester workshop The assignment – case story for the group Imagine you are a contractor, and a client asks you if you can make him a new shed. One of the clients friends is an architect, and has made a 3D model of the shed. Now the client would like an offer for the shed from your company (the group). Because the client is very busy, he likes to plan every day. Therefore he also like to know the building period for the new shed. To compare the prices from the contractors, the client has made a bidding list. This list he needs to have before, he will accept any offer, whether from your company or some of the others bidding contractors. VIA University College TCU-VIA Workshop JMOG 3
Shed exercise VIA / TCU 4th semester workshop A little help starting up the assignment: Use the WBS-method and the 4 Ms method. What processes do I need to do to make the shed? What materials do I need to build the shed? How many of each kind material do I need? What is the price of the materials? How long does each process take to do? Do I need any help from any machine? What are the man hours in this project? Use the catalogs and performance data as available in the chapter: E-book at the TCU/VIA homepage If it is not in the catalogs ex. the price for a door- you estimates the price: 200 CNY…or find the price for the door on the internet (guessing). Salary for the work is fixed to 100 CNY for 1 hour (in this exercise) VIA University College TCU-VIA Workshop JMOG 4
The presentation VIA / TCU 4th semester workshop For the presentation and the PPT we would like to see: The presentation of the group and your names. Group has to present process to build the shed Group has to optimize the building process Group has to present the price Network diagram and Gantt diagram is shown The bidding list filled Each group has to upload the PPT on the homepage to pass this assignment VIA University College TCU-VIA Workshop JMOG 5