Good Governance For Efficiency DR. PATIL V.D. DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS, Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s S.M.JOSHI COLLEGE HADAPSAR, PUNE
1 The World Bank defines Governance as- “The exercise of political authority and the use of resources to manage society’s affairs” In general terms Governance occurs in three broad ways- Through top-down methods involving the state and bureaucracy The use of market mechanism to allocate resources to complete the objective Public-Private partnership with the collaboration of community and organizations
2 Models of Governance are often presented such as- Corporate Organizations Industry Fair Governance Global Governance Good Governance Good Governance has eight major characteristics. It is participatory, accountable, transparent, effective and efficient. It assures that corruption is abolished.
3 The Characteristics are Participation Rule of Law Transparency Responsiveness Consensus oriented Equity and Inclusiveness Effectiveness and Efficiency Accountability These Characteristics assures that Corruption is minimized / abolished, the views of minorities are taken in to account and the voices of vulnerable are heard in decision making
4 Delhi Declaration In 1959 the declaration of Delhi was occurred which consist of judges, lawyers and professors from 53 countries resolved the concept of rule law in a free society. Three Distinct Aspects of Governance The form of political regime. The Process by which authority is exercised. The capacity of Government to design, formulate and implement the policies.
5 Key Components of Governance Legitimacy of government Accountability of government Competence of government to make and deliver policies Respect for human rights and rule of law People Driven Development The World Bank concern is linked to the problem of sound development management. The governance has much wider sweep to bring transparency for efficiency delivery.
6 Measures Needed to Promote Good Governance Citizen caring and citizen friendly administration The commitment of government Being alive to citizen complaints Must be open and accessible Evaluation of performance Accountability matters Reinventing the process of governance Effective performance audit (not voucher audit)
7 Good Governance – Ethics - Relationship Ethical consideration in to practice Nature of the state Nature of bureaucracy Training structure Optimizing control Mistrust
8 Values Utility and Importance PDS Agricultural development ITC Education enhancement Documentation E-administration E-governance
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