The Louisiana Purchase In the 1790’s most people lived along the Atlantic Coast. The West was the area between the Appalachian Mountains and the Mississippi. In the early 1800’s the US began to grow as many people headed west looking for land.
The Louisiana Territory Spain owned west of Mississippi to Rocky Mts. Secret treaty (1801), ceded to France. Jefferson feared Napoleon wanted empire in America. Decided to try and buy the land.
Money for the Purchase Robert Livingston & James Monroe sent to negotiate purchase. H of R voted $2 million for purchase, Jefferson authorized $10 million.
The Louisiana Purchase French distracted by rebellion in Caribbean & war w/ England. Napoleon needed armies in Europe, money to fight British. 1803 – US paid $15 million. US almost doubled.
Constitutional Dilemma Jefferson (strict constructionist): fed had no power to purchase territory. Made it part of treaty. Federalists opposed (more power to South). Most Americans liked gaining land. Senate approved treaty in 1803.
Meriwether Lewis & William Clark 1804 – Selected by Jefferson to explore new territory. Goals: Source of Mo. River. Route to Pacific. Observe Native Am. Note features of land, weather, plants, animals.
Lewis and Clark Expedition Left St. Louis, followed Missouri R. Four dozen men, 4 boats. Recorded data in detail, sent samples to Jefferson. Spring -1805: Sacajawea led expedition through Rocky Mts. Reached Pacific late 1805, returned home Sept -1806. 2 yrs, 4 months and covered 8,000 miles.
Strengthened Claims in the West Satisfied Jefferson’s hopes. Passes found/mapped through Rockies. Friendly relations established w/ several tribes. Strengthened US claims to Oregon Country.
Zebulon Pike Explored upper Mississippi at same time as Lewis & Clark. Later explored Colorado region, discovering Pikes Peak.
Election of 1804 End of Jefferson’s 1st term: country prosperous, peaceful, doubled in size. Easily won reelection w/ George Clinton as VP.
Aaron Burr 1804: left Republican party to run for governor of NY. Tried to get Hamilton/ Federalists to support. Hamilton campaigned against. Burr challenged Hamilton to duel. Burr killed Hamilton, became outcast.