Holism and Reductionism
Eat Cake What do you each have? Write on your mini white boards how this demonstrates reductionism and holism. Project the definitions of holism and reductionism on the board. Buy some fruit cakes and also buy the ingredients for a fruit cake: flour, eggs, butter, sugar, mixed fruit, milk and mixed spice. Each groups has an ingredient of the cake and a piece of cake.
Knowledge Test 1. What is meant by levels of explanation? 2. What is meant by holism? 3. What is meant by reductionism? 4. What is biological reductionism? 5. What is environmental reductionism? 6. What is experimental reductionism? 7. Is the cognitive approach reductionist and why? 8. Is the Psychodynamic approach reductionist and why? 9. What is Gestalt Psychology? 10. Which is more traditionally scientific and why? Knowledge Test
What is the relevance of these pictures?
Clue- think outside of the box Join all 9 dots with 4 straight lines without taking your pen from the paper Clue- think outside of the box
Solution? Why is taking a holistic approach to this puzzle the best option? Because you need to think outside the box to solve this problem! You need to look at the shape as a whole and not try to solve the problem using the box shape created by the dots.
Levels of explanation- Applied to Memory Social/Cultural Psychology Explain Psychological (cognitive) psychology Brain structures & systems
Mr S came to work this morning because the state required him to function as tool of late capitalist hegemony, maintaining its divide and rule strategy by inculcating young people with the twin myths of individual autonomy and meritocracy. Mr S gave your essay a low mark because changes in 5-HT receptor density had permitted greater than normal fluctuations in DA. This led to reduced inhibition of his nucleus accumbens, and a readiness to reject associated stimuli. See the difference?
What is it? Reductionism or Holism Example Levels of Explanation Ms James Biological Reductionism Nawa and Portia Environmental Reductionism Fowse and Beza Scientific Reductionism Laura and Josh Gestalt Psychology Gabby and Andi Humanistic Psychology Louise and Alex and Yasmin Cognitive Psychology Dojan and Samantha and Habiba
Biological Reductionism What is it? Reductionism or Holism Example Levels of Explanation Biological Reductionism Environmental Reductionism Scientific Reductionism Gestalt Psychology Humanistic Psychology Cognitive Psychology
Is experimental reductionism a good thing? Consider Loftus’ research into the effect of anxiety and EWT. Yes? No ? Is experimental reductionism a good thing?
For example, in Loftus studies of memory, when the variables in the Weapon Effect study were closely controlled it showed that high anxiety reduced the accuracy of EWT. This is an issue because some have argued that these controlled lab studies do not reflect real life, as other real life research (Christianson and Hubinette), the opposite results were found. On the other hand… One weakness of experimental reductionism is that the controlled setting may not reflect real life
Is reducing behaviour to the lowest level beneficial? Take schizophrenia for example. What is the lowest level? What is the middle level? What is the highest level? Consider strengths and weaknesses of the lowest and highest levels. Is reducing behaviour to the lowest level beneficial?
For example… This is an issue because… On the other hand… One weakness of taking the lowest level of explanation is that we may misunderstand behaviour.
The Fathers of Behaviourism Ivan Pavlov- Classical Conditioning Burhaus Skinner- Operant Conditioning What is wrong with both of their pioneering research?
For example; (Pavlov and Skinner) This is an issue because… (what are we missing?) On the other hand… (ethics and non-human animals) One weakness of Environmental Reductionism is that its origins may not be appropriate for explaining human behaviour