Lithuanian Neonatal Association LIETUVOS NEONATOLOGIJOS ASOCIACIJA Home page: Contact address: Current president: prof. Rasa Tameliene Established in 15-03-2007 Joined UENPS in 28-06-2007 LIETUVA 2 810 000 inhabitants 29 600 annual births Members Total of 110 members (79 neonatologist, 31 nurses), 13 members of board, leader – President of Association. Previous activities Regionalization; Swiss – Lithuanian projects: improving infrastructure, equipment, neonatal transportation, computer database, national guidelines in neonatal care, staff education; Opening of 2 Donor milk banks (2016 Kaunas, 2017 Vilnius); Long term collaboration supporting Maternal and Child Health with Kazakstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and other countries. The main current goals and challenges The main challenges in the national perinatal medicine: Family centerd care; Reglamentation of home births; Data collection on VLBW neonates at a national level; Human resources. Expectations from UENPS in 2018 International conferences; Multicenter studies; National Conferences with speakers from UENPS.