UNIT 14: THE SIXTIES Chapter 48D: The Age of Camelot: Was John F UNIT 14: THE SIXTIES Chapter 48D: The Age of Camelot: Was John F. Kennedy a good president? NOTES 48.3 “Spectrum 2” – PAGE #X3: Create a new spectrum for this section. Do not forget titles to the opposite ends of the spectrum. As you read through Section 48.3, starting on page 630, record facts about President Kennedy that you think show what was great or not so great about his presidency. Include the following facts of events/KCTS on your spectrum: Bay of Pigs invasion - Berlin Wall – ExCom - Cuban Missile Crisis – “quarantine” - hotline - Test Ban Treaty - Peace Corps - Alliance for Progress
UNIT 14: THE SIXTIES Chapter 48D: The Age of Camelot: Was John F UNIT 14: THE SIXTIES Chapter 48D: The Age of Camelot: Was John F. Kennedy a good president? NOTES 48.3 REVIEW “Facts”: Bay of Pigs invasion: Kennedy’s 1st foreign policy decision – the CIA backed Cuban exiles attempted to remove communist Fidel Castro from power in April 1961 – it failed miserably – the Cuban exiles landing craft got stuck on the reefs of the bay allowing the Cuban army to repel the invasion – Kennedy refused to send air support. Berlin Wall: June 1961 Vienna summit meeting: Khrushchev warned Kennedy that he would not allow refugees to cross into W. Berlin, Kennedy would defend W. Berlin – August 1961: Khrushchev ordered a massive tall concrete wall to be built, making it impossible for E. Germans to escape – June 1963: Kennedy spoke in front of the wall to show support for W. Berlin, but would not go to war over it – the Soviets were embarrassed by the wall, showing how unpopular communism was. ExCom: after the Bay of Pigs failure, Kennedy developed a new advisory team – the Executive Committee for National Security(ExCom) – their purpose was to respond & solve the new threat of Soviet missile sites in Cuba (90 miles from Florida). Cuban Missile Crisis: October 1962: U2 spy-planes discovered Soviet missile sites in Cuba – ExCom suggested a “quarantine” around Cuba, not allowing ships to enter or exit – Oct 22nd : Kennedy warned that any missile launched from Cuba was act of war by the USSR on the US & demanded the Soviets remove their missiles from Cuba – Soviet ships with nuclear weapons continued toward Cuba – Oct 24th: Khrushchev ordered all ships to return to the USSR – Oct 28th: Khrushchev agreed to remove missiles from Cuba & the US agreed to remove its missiles from Turkey.
UNIT 14: THE SIXTIES Chapter 48D: The Age of Camelot: Was John F UNIT 14: THE SIXTIES Chapter 48D: The Age of Camelot: Was John F. Kennedy a good president? NOTES 48.3 REVIEW “Facts” – PART 2: “quarantine”: ExCom’s idea to not call the event a blockade – a blockade of a country is considered to be a international declaration of war – the US wanted to avoid looking like the aggressor - the Soviets needed to look like the aggressor nation. hotline: looking for way to ease tensions between the 2 superpowers & to avoid a nuclear war, Khrushchev & Kennedy established a direct telephone link between them – still exists today & is tested hourly since 1963. Test Ban Treaty: 1963 – signed by Great Britain, the US, & the USSR, this treaty banned above ground , near ground , & underwater testing of nuclear devices – the treaty did allow underground testing to continue & the treaty was open to other countries to sign. Peace Corps: Kennedy concerned about the spread of communism to Third-World countries couldn’t send economic aid ($$$), but sent people with “know-how”– created by executive order, this new gov’t agency sent thousands of people into developing nations to support communities in areas of education, farming, & health care. Alliance for Progress: aid program designed for Latin America - goal was to provide economic ($$$) & technical (advisors) aid while encouraging democratic reforms – program changed very little – wealthy Latin American elites resisted the reforms – most of the funds ($$$) ended up in the pockets of anti-communist dictators.
BENCHMARK REVIEW & T-O-T-D: UNIT 14: THE SIXTIES Chapter 48D: The Age of Camelot: Was John F. Kennedy a good president? BENCHMARK REVIEW & T-O-T-D: BM: Use the events in the list to answer the following question: NASA created National Defense Education Act passed Federal money to improve schools granted Federal money for research and development approved. U.S. military/defense industry grew. Which event stimulated the development of the list above? Dropping the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. B. Launching of the Soviet satellite Sputnik. C. HUAC – McCarthy hearings. D. U2 incident over the Soviet Union. T-O-T-D: Write into your notebooks first, then physically tell Mr. Galindo the one new thing you learned today.