How to Use the Theme Slideshow The Theme Slideshow is a useful and engaging tool to introduce your class to the unit. The slideshow touches on the Big Idea questions for the unit. It can be used to prepare students for the unit by building background and academic language on topics that they will read about. Before you begin a new unit, show the Theme Slideshow to the class. Direct students to listen carefully to the audio as they look at each slide. (Note: if you click while the audio is playing, the audio will stop. Simply click the audio icon in the upper left corner to start the audio again.) Pause the slideshow as needed to allow students to comment or ask questions about what they are seeing. Provide sentence starters containing the academic words listed to engage students in conversations about the visuals and audio. Explain to students that they will learn more about these topics as they read the stories in the unit. As you begin each week of the unit, you may wish to show the Theme Slideshow again as a means of reviewing the weeks you have completed, and of preparing for the week to come. This is a great opportunity to add new learning and research findings to the Big Question Boards. The Theme Slideshow can also be used at the end of the unit to sum up learning and as a prompt for writing about the unit. For additional video clips related to the theme, go to Select the California Treasures site, then in the Teacher area click the “Student Activities” button and select the Big Question Multimedia link. * * * * * What heroes live in your community? In this unit we will find out about the people who make your community a safe place to live and work. We will learn about people who help family members, people who invent things to make our lives easier, and people who show strength and courage in dangerous situations. Think about the people you know who are heroes. What makes someone a hero?
Think about what it means to be a hero Think about what it means to be a hero. Describe someone in your family who is a hero.
dignity just In Babu’s Song, you will read about a boy named Bernardi who lives with his grandfather, Babu. You will see how Bernardi acts with great dignity in a difficult situation and Babu finds a just solution to Bernardi’s problem.
Think about people in your town. Who is a hero Think about people in your town. Who is a hero? Explain why you think so.
unique privilege In Tomás and the Library Lady, you will read about a boy’s unique relationship with the local librarian. The librarian gives Tomás the privilege to borrow many exciting books. You will find out how Tomás entertains his family with his new stories.
Think about workers in your community. How do firefighters help people?
brave prevent Firefighters are brave people who save people’s lives. In this selection, you will find out how firefighters prevent homes from burning down during wildfires.
What does it mean to be a hero? Describe what a hero is like.
hero conquers One Grain of Rice is a story about a young girl named Rani who becomes a hero to her whole community. You will find out how Rani conquers a powerful rajah to save her friends and family from a terrible famine.
Think about people from history who have done important things Think about people from history who have done important things. Describe how they impact your life.
wits devise ingenious Inventors are people who use their wits to devise, or create, things to make people’s lives better. In this selection, you will find out about Benjamin Banneker’s, Sarah E. Goode’s, and George Washington Carver’s ingenious inventions.
What heroes live in your community What heroes live in your community? What do these heroes do to keep you safe or make your life easier?