2oth century Texas Test Review
Today we are going to complete the test review. I will complete the test review over the Texas events of the 20th century and review with the whole class.
10 minutes to work on Test Review Use graded assignments, handouts, notes and textbook to complete the Test Review Galveston 540-541 WWI 558-575 GD/DB 582-595 WWII 610-627 CR 634-652 I will come by and check to see if you have completed your review
What was the economic impact of the Galveston Hurricane? After the hurricane Galveston was no longer the booming port it once was. All the factories and businesses were destroyed. It took a long time to build the economy back up. Many investors or industries turned away from Galveston because of the unsafe weather. What was the settlement impact after the Galveston Hurricane? The commissioners pumped sand on the island to make it above sea level. The population growth built more inland (middle of the island) than on the coast or beachfront.
What changes to Galveston were made after the storm? After the commissioners pumped more sand onto the island they built a 6 mile long seawall to protect the island from storm surges. Why did the U.S. enter WWI? Germany was aggressive towards the U.S. Germany sunk the Lusitania with Americans on board and sent a secret telegram to Mexico about attacking the U.S. America took action after those two events and joined the war.
What was the economic impact of the Great Depression? What did Roosevelt create to help the U.S. people through the Great Depression? Roosevelt created the New Deal during the Great Depression which created jobs and gave hope to the people of the U.S. The New Deal allowed those who were unemployed to become employed once again. What was the economic impact of the Great Depression? The economic impact of the Great Depression was high unemployment rates due to the stock market crash and industries going bankrupt. Notes on the storm
What are droughts? Little rain or no rain at all creating crop failure. Droughts are created because of long-term weather cycles and Pacific Ocean Temperatures. What was the economy like during the Dust Bowl? The value of farms and land in Texas decreased because they could not produce crops. The decrease in land value lasted for 20 years.
What did farmers have to do because of erosion? (2 things) Many farmers who could not make payment on their farms or loss their farms to the bank had to abandon the land and move to another area where it was safe from drought. Farmers who still had their land after the dust bowl started irrigation systems that allowed the soil to hold water. They also started to rotate the crops so they would not strip the soil of the minerals it needed. Notes on the storm
Why did the U.S. enter WWII? The U.S. entered WWII due to the bombing of U.S. military bases on Pearl Harbor by Japan. What was the result of the U.S. economy during WWII? The U.S. economy was in a boom cycle during WWII. Everything was in high demand due to the war. Oil, cotton, food, lumber and rubber were some of the products that were needed.
How long did the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments last in the U.S.? These three amendments were created in the mid to late 1860s making them the longest civil right amendments ratified (approved) in the constitution. What was the goal of the Chicano migrant farm worker? The Chicanos wanted equal rights which were equal wages and better working conditions. Notes on the storm
What is the 1964 Civil Rights Act? The 1964 Civil Rights Act was signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson. This act was supposed to end all discrimination against race, religion, gender and country origin. Who was Cesar Chavez? And what did he do for the Mexican Americans? Cesar Chavez was a Mexican American who fought for the rights of the Chicano migrant farm workers. He created the boycott or strike for the field workers until they had better pay and working conditions.