CHAPTER 8 “Commerce + Culture” pp. 333-377
CHAPTER 6 Strayer Text Book HW Date Assigned APW 1 Homework Assignment : Strayer, Chapter 8 HW BELOW THE ASSIGNMENTS ON THIS SLIDE WERE COMPLETED PRIOR TO THE MIDTERMS. THE 1ST ASSIGNMENT FOR THIS TERM WILL BE DUE ON 1/29/19. GO TO THE NEXT SLIDE FOR ASSIGNMENTS. 1-7-19 due 1-8-19 Chapter 8. Answer the following Margin questions(pp. 336-341). You can hand-write your answers to these question but be certain to write your answers in pen. Answers must be completed and in HW folder on due date. p. 336: CHANGE, What lay behind the emergence of Silk Road commerce…; p. 338: CONNECTION, What were the major economic, social and cultural consequences of Silk Road commerce? p. 340: CONNECTION: “What was the impact of disease along the Silk Roads?” p. 341: COMPARISON, “How did the operation of the Indian Ocean trading network differ from that of the Silk Roads?” Finish in-class 4 question handout on the Silk Roads. 1-8-19 due 1-9-19 Chapter 8. Answer the following Margin questions(pp. 344-346). You can hand-write your answers to these question but be certain to write your answers in pen. Answers must be completed and in HW folder on due date. P. 344: CHANGE, “What lay behind the flourishing of Indian Ocean commerce in the post –classical millennium?” P. 344, CONNECTION: “What is the relationship between the rise of Srivivijaya and the world of Indian Ocean commerce?” P. 346, CONNECTION, “What was the role of Swahili civilization in the word of Indian Ocean commerce?” COMPLETE TODAY’S IN-CLASS HANDOUT. Began 1-2-19 Due 1/22/19 SUBMIT YOUR 3 BODY PARAGRAPH ESSAY to by 9:00 a.m. on 1/22/19. From 1/15/19 – 1/18/18 we prepared for our final exam. The final exam was be given on the 1-22-19. CHAPTER 6 Strayer Text Book HW
CHAPTER 5 Strayer Text Book HW Date Assigned APW 1 Homework Assignment Strayer, Chapter 8 + the beginning of Chapter 9. 1-2-19 Due 1-29-19 Strayer Book, read pp. 348-352 SAND ROADS + The Americas. Answer the following margin + map questions: p. 349 Connections: What changes did trans-Saharan trade bring to West Africa? P. 350 MAP 8.3 Sand Roads: (1) What might account for the long-term growth of West African trade? (2) Through which regions does the “sand roads” cross? P. 351 Comparison: In what ways did networks f interaction in the Western Hemisphere differ from those in the Eastern Hemisphere? 1-29-10 Due 1-30-19 Strayer Book, read pp. 352-354 SAND ROADS + The Americas. Answer the following margin + map questions: P. 352 MAP 8.4 The American Web: According to the map, from which region did maize originate? P. 353-354 O’Rourke’s 2 Questions: (1) With whom did the 2nd Wave Meso + South Americans trade? (2) How did Aztec + Inca trade practices compare? 1-30-10 DUE 2-1-19 TEXT BOOK DOCUMENT HOMEWORK CAN BE HAND-WRITTEN! trayer Text, CHAPTER 8 DOCUMENTS—read the following Documents in Chapter 8: Document 8.2. Marco Polo 1299—A European Christian in China: Answer all 4 red-marked questions on p. 360 Document 8.3. Ibn Battuta 1354: An Arab Muslim in West Africa: Answer all of the 5 red-marked questions on p. 363. CHAPTER 8 VISUAL DOCUMENTS: Examine all pp. 367-369 Visual 8.1—Greek Culture, Buddhism, Kushans— Read background information and examine the visual. Answer all 3 questions on p. 368. Visual 8.2—Buddhist Monk on the Silk Road— Read background information and examine the visual. Answer all 3 questions on p. 369. IN-CLASS TEAM WORK: Team Work 3rd Wave Trade Route Maps and Exchange Rationales must be completed and handed in—THE DUE DATE WILL BE DISCUSSED IN CLASS. DUE 2-4-19. Strayer, CHAPTER 8 KEY TERMS—Use the terms on my Bronx Science page.. Explain the significance of each term. Follow the format for key terms. SUBMIT WORK TO TURNITIN.COM ON 2-4-19 BY 9:00 p.m. IN CLASS ASSIGNMENT THERE WILL BE AN IN-CLASS TEAM WORK OPEN NOTE-BOOK, COMPARISION ESSAY CHART. Team Chart Grade: (Done in class and completed BY TBA ___________________.) Team 3 body paragraph Essay Charts will be done in class. Team Thesis will be done in class. Peer Evaluations of Team Essay Charts will be done in class. Individual Writing Assessment Grade: submit it to by TBA. CHAPTER 5 Strayer Text Book HW 4
GO TO YOUR CHAPTER 9 HW FOLDER. Date Assigned APW 1 Homework Assignment Strayer, Chapter 8 and the beginning of Chapter 9 2-5-19 Due 2-6-19 CHAPTER 8 VISUAL DOCUMENTS: Examine all pp. 369-374 Visual 8.3—Manichaen Scribes — Read background information and examine the visual. Answer all 2 questions on p. 371. Visual 8.4—The Mongols in China — Read background information and examine the visual. Answer questions 1 + 2 on p. 373. Visual 8.5—Islam, Shamanism + the Turks — Read background information and examine the visual. Answer all 3 questions on p. 375. Test C8 on 2-13-19 SOCIAL STUDIES TESTS MUST BE ON WEDNESDAY’S. THUS, THE Chapter 8’s test will be on the Wednesday, 2-13-19. YOUR 1ST CHAPTER 9 ASSIGNMENT WILL BE ASSIGNED ON 2-7-19 AND DUE ON 2-11-19 2-7—19 DUE 2-11-19 BEGIN CHAPER 9 HOMEWORK. You will be given 3 DBQ handouts in class. They will be due on the 11th. DBQ CHINA: Han + Sui Empires (Han 202 b.c.e. – 220 c.e.; Sui 581-618 c.e.) DBQ CHINA: T’ang Empire (618-906 c.e.) DBQ CHINA: Song (a.k.a. Sung) Empire (906-1279 c.e.) 2-11-19 DUE 2-12-19 Chapter 9 pp. 379-415— Strayer Book, read pp. 379-389 T’ANG + SONG CHINA. Answer the following margin + map questions: p. 379 MAP 9.1: Examine map and answer: (1) To which cities did the Grand Canal connect; (b) What are China’s natural boundaries? P. 379 Change: Why are the centuries of the T’ang + Song dynasties referred to as a “Golden Age”? P. 384 Change: In what ways did women’s lives change during the T’ang + Song dynasties? DUE 2-15-19 Strayer Chapter 9, T’ang and Song China. Answer the following margin + map questions: P. 386 Connection: How did the Chinese and their nomadic neighbors to the north view each other? P. 387 Connection: What assumptions underlay the tribute system? P. 388 Connection: How did the tribute system in practice differ from tehe ideal Chinese understanding of its operation? GO TO YOUR CHAPTER 9 HW FOLDER. CHAPTER 5 Strayer Text Book HW 5