Essential Question: What environmental issues impact the way of life for the people of Southwest Asia?


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Presentation transcript:

Essential Question: What environmental issues impact the way of life for the people of Southwest Asia?

Fill in the blanks… Water ___________________is an important issue in the Middle East because the sources of fresh _______________are continuing to ____________while the ______________continues to increase. Water may be the underlying source of the next major regional ____________in the Middle East

New Vocabulary Desalination Define: The removal of salt from water; especially, sea water.

Irrigation Define: Supplying water to farmland


Check it out!

SG: Syria, Israel, and Jordan share the Jordan River.

Turkey has built several dams on the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, which flow south-east and it plans to build more. SG: The main concern other countries have with the dams being built is the rivers’ water is needed in other countries.

SG: Desalinization and drip irrigation are not used more often in the Middle East because the technologies are very expensive.

SG: One problem chemical fertilizers cause for farmers build up of salt levels in the soil.


SG: The use of chemical fertilizers affected water supplies in many countries in Southwest Asia because water supplies have been contaminated by the chemicals through runoff from the fields.

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