Government it and the new congress Stephen M. Ryan, Esq. for Government Business Executive Forum (GBEF) (202) 756-8333
The New Congress 100 new House Members 10 new Senators Need to pivot to building relationships with House Democrats, e.g., Chairman Cummings and Vice Chair Connelly Divided government creates opportunity New appropriations Members
Public/Private Cyber security relationships can change the world IRS is a great example New ISAC with IRS, state and industry participants 70% reduction of identify theft cases in a single year Great for taxpayers, business and government alike Need antitrust legal expertise to form and run industry side of the Coalition
Legal hygiene can save you headaches Potus does not email or text! You cannot live that way, but it can be a useful paradigm No one has legally ever regretted not having 10 years of email rather than one year Backup of emails also has to go away Document retention policy must be aggressive and followed Learn how to communicate with lawyers safely Private communications by government officials can be accessed by Congress, FOIA and the IG or law enforcement
Is Dr. king’s optimism subject to new facts? The moral arc of the universe bends toward justice – but the challenges are profound The 30 year war and the loss of containment By 2050 70% of world population in cities with crumbling infrastructure Countries created after WWI will break up in the next decade Signs that average human longevity is going down not up