Evidence This is a picture of our equipment. On the piece of paper shown below, they are our results. The distance of the tube was 1.06 M, and we measured the weight of each of the individual marbles. We calculated how long the marbles took to go down the tube, and from there we calculated the speed. (S = D/T.) This is a picture of our marble run. It is quite plain, but sometimes simple is effective, and it is for a scientific experiment, not for show. You would put the marble at the top of the tube, and then time it with the stopwatch to see how long in seconds it would take to reach the end.
Evidence We can decipher from these results that generally, the heavier the marble, the quicker it rolls down. These results just visualise how heavy the marble is. Mass is different to weight. Mass is what you are made up of an is the same no matter which planet you go to. You weight is your mass times the Gravitational Pull (on Earth it’s 10 m/s). Your weight changes depending on the planet you are on.
Method Set up the experiment. Measure and weigh what you need to (the tube and the marbles). Draw a results table; ready to collect your results. One person drop the marble down the tube and one person starts the timer. As soon as the marble hits the yellow sponge, stop the timer. Using S = D/T equation, you can figure out the speed of the marble travelling down the tube. If you want, you can record it on a graph. Otherwise, you have successfully completed the experiment! For more accurate results, repeat the experiment 3 times and average the data . Hypothesis We predicted that the heavier the marbles, the faster they would travel down. This would probably be due to Galileo's theory that more dense objects fall quicker as there is less air resistance. Evaluation To evaluate, we carried out this experiment very well and is was quite successful. We remembered to use our formulas, and we didn’t miss out any steps. We were accurate when calculating, and we recorded all our data into tables. We could’ve, however, only changed one variable (we changed 2) as that would give us a more accurate result. Conclusion Generally, we can conclude that our Hypothesis was correct and that the heavier the marble, the faster it would travel down the tube. This would be because objects that are more dense, or have more mass, fall at a faster rate than less dense objects, due to this air resistance. A feather and brick dropped together - air resistance causes the feather to fall more slowly. Apart from the odd anomaly, the greater the weight/mass, the faster it rolls down.
We were Sakina Hassan Zahra Ali From Withington Girls School. This is the start of our engineering careers!!#