Westmeath Community Development Linda-Jo Quinn SICAP Community Development Co-ordinator
Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme The Aim of SICAP is to reduce Poverty and promote Social Inclusion and Equality Through Local, Regional and National Engagement and Collaboration
Goal 1: Supporting Disadvantaged Communities To support & resource disadvantaged communities and marginalised target groups To engage with relevant local & national stakeholders in identifying and addressing social exclusion & equality issues
Actions 1. Work in designated estates in rural communities 2. Supporting groups with Training needs 3.Athlone and Mullingar RAPID programme 4. Working together with other agencies 5. Social Enterprise 6. Older people- care and repair/be friending Westmeath Disability Working Group Traveller Project
Contacts: Linda-Jo Quinn- Coordinator Hubert Rooney- Development Officer Anne Campbell- Development Officer Sharon Timothy- Development Officer Caroline Lawlor- Development Officer Admin support- Jolita, Eddie or Brendan 044 93 48571 info@westcd.ie
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