WP-conveners 1st phone meeting Date 9 May 2006 Time 06:30 west coast 09:30 east coast 15:30 central Europe 22:30 Japan Phone +494089981390 code 52872# 07/05/2019 Ron Settles MPI-Munich/DESY LCTPC meeting@LBNL 6 April 2006
Agenda for 1st phonemeeting LCTPC/LP WP organization Future meetings AOB 07/05/2019 Ron Settles MPI-Munich/DESY LCTPC meeting@LBNL 6 April 2006
Ron Settles MPI-Munich/DESY LCTPC meeting@LBNL 6 April 2006 Ideas for LP WP Status report to the Desy PRC 11May2006 by Peter Wienemann Latest version of written report at http://mppmu.mpg.de/~settles/tpcprc08052006.pdf This gives an overview of design issues and related R&D to be organized for the LP LCTPC/LP conveners -Conveners get feedback from LCTPC groups (i.e., the represent the whole consortium, not a particular institute) 07/05/2019 Ron Settles MPI-Munich/DESY LCTPC meeting@LBNL 6 April 2006
Ron Settles MPI-Munich/DESY LCTPC meeting@LBNL 6 April 2006 LCTPC/LP Workpackages Here are some suggestions for how to proceed: -Have regular phonemeetings every ~ few weeks with back-up drawings on the web. -Each WP 0,1,2,3,4 should make up its own mailing list, organize its own meetings. -Conveners of all WP be informed of all other WP meetings, so that others can attend if they see fit (since most issues are very correlated). 07/05/2019 Ron Settles MPI-Munich/DESY LCTPC meeting@LBNL 6 April 2006
Ron Settles MPI-Munich/DESY LCTPC meeting@LBNL 6 April 2006 LCTPC/LP Workpackages, cont’d Suggestions for how to proceed, cont’d: -WP3 e.g. has already started and will have the 1st phone meeting around 7-9June. -WP1? Next meeting Vancouver? -WP2? -WP4? 07/05/2019 Ron Settles MPI-Munich/DESY LCTPC meeting@LBNL 6 April 2006
Ron Settles MPI-Munich/DESY LCTPC meeting@LBNL 6 April 2006 Back up slides, for reference 07/05/2019 Ron Settles MPI-Munich/DESY LCTPC meeting@LBNL 6 April 2006
TPC R&D Groups America Europe Asia Other RWTH Aachen CERN DESY U Hamburg U Freiburg U Karlsruhe UMM Krakow Lund MPI-Munich NIKHEF BINP Novosibirsk LAL Orsay IPN Orsay U Rostock CEA Saclay PNPI StPetersburg U Siegen America Carleton U Cornell/Purdue Indiana U LBNL MIT U Montreal U Victoria Yale Asia Tsinghua U XCDC: Hiroshima U Minadamo SU-IIT Kinki U U Osaka Saga U Tokyo UAT U Tokyo Kogakuin U Tokyo KEK Tsukuba U Tsukuba Other MIT (LCRD) Temple/Wayne State (UCLC) …Other groups interested? NB: Started as subset of these groups working together reporting to the DESY PRC; it has recently been expanding… 07/05/2019 Ron Settles MPI-Munich/DESY LCTPC meeting@LBNL 6 April 2006
Ron Settles MPI-Munich/DESY LCTPC meeting@LBNL 6 April 2006 R&D Planning 1) Demonstration phase Continue work with small prototypes on mapping out parameter space, understanding resolution, etc, to prove feasibility of an MPGD TPC. For CMOS/Si-based ideas this will include a basic proof-of-principle. 2) Consolidation phase Build and operate the LP, large prototype, (Ø ≥ 75cm, drift ≥ 100cm), with EUDET infrastructure as pedestal, to test manufacturing techniques for MPGD endplates, fieldcage and electronics. Design is starting---building and testing will take another ~ 3 years. 3) Design phase After phase 2, the decision as to which endplate technology to use for the LC TPC would be taken and final design started. 07/05/2019 Ron Settles MPI-Munich/DESY LCTPC meeting@LBNL 6 April 2006
Phase 1 – continue (in parallel to LP) for next ~ 2 years 07/05/2019 Ron Settles MPI-Munich/DESY LCTPC meeting@LBNL 6 April 2006
Ron Settles MPI-Munich/DESY LCTPC meeting@LBNL 6 April 2006 Phase 2 Basic Idea: LP should be a prototype for the LC TPC design and test as many of the issues as possible as was done before, e.g., TPC90 @ Aleph The Eudet infrastructure gives us a starting basis for the LP work There other LC TPC R&D issues in addition to building LP which will be planned in conjunction with it 07/05/2019 Ron Settles MPI-Munich/DESY LCTPC meeting@LBNL 6 April 2006
Ron Settles MPI-Munich/DESY LCTPC meeting@LBNL 6 April 2006 Work Packages for the LP and related work on the LC TPC 0) Workpackage: TPC R&D programme A job for the whole LC TPC collaboration to define 07/05/2019 Ron Settles MPI-Munich/DESY LCTPC meeting@LBNL 6 April 2006
Ron Settles MPI-Munich/DESY LCTPC meeting@LBNL 6 April 2006 Work Packages for the LP and related work on the LC TPC 1) Workpackage MECHANICS Groups expressing interest to date(others?) a) LP design (incl. endplate structure) Cornell, Desy, IPNOrsay, MPI, +contribution from Eudet b) Fieldcage, laser, gas Aachen, Desy, St.Petersburg, +contribution from Eudet c) GEM panels for endplate Aachen, Carleton, Cornell, Desy/HH, Karlsruhe, Kek/XCDC, Novosibirsk, Victoria d) Micromegas panels for endplate Carleton, Cornell, Kek/XCDC, Saclay/Orsay e) Pixel panels for endplate Cern,Freiburg,Nikhef,Saclay,Kek/XCDC, +contribution from Eudet f) Resistive foil for endplate Carleton, Kek/XCDC, Saclay/Orsay convener in white color Ron Settles Dan Peterson Ties Behnke Akira Sugiyama Paul Colas Jan Timmermans Madhu Dixit 07/05/2019 Ron Settles MPI-Munich/DESY LCTPC meeting@LBNL 6 April 2006
Ron Settles MPI-Munich/DESY LCTPC meeting@LBNL 6 April 2006 Work Packages for the LP and related work on the LC TPC 2) Workpackage ELECTRONICS Groups expressing interest to date(others?) a)"Standard" RO/DAQ for LP: Aachen, Desy/HH, Cern, Lund, Rostock, Montreal, Tsinghua, +contribution from Eudet b) CMOS RO electronics: Freiburg, Cern, Nikhef, Saclay, +contribution from Eudet c) Electr.,powerswitching,cooling Aachen, Desy/HH, Cern, Lund, for LC TPC: Rostock, Montreal, St.Petersburg, Tsinghua, +contribution from Eudet Leif Jonnson Leif Jonnson + ? Harry van der Graaf Luciano Musa 07/05/2019 Ron Settles MPI-Munich/DESY LCTPC meeting@LBNL 6 April 2006
Ron Settles MPI-Munich/DESY LCTPC meeting@LBNL 6 April 2006 Work Packages for the LP and related work on the LC TPC 3) Workpackage SOFTWARE Groups expressing interest to date(others?) a) LP SW+simul./reconstr.framework: Desy/HH,Cern,Freiburg, Carleton, Victoria, +contribution from Eudet b) TPC simulation, backgrounds Aachen, Carleton, Cornell, Desy/HH, Kek/XCDC, St.Petersburg,Victoria c) Full detector simulation Desy/HH, Kek/XCDC, LBNL Peter Wienemann Peter Wienemann Stefan Roth Keisuke Fujii 07/05/2019 Ron Settles MPI-Munich/DESY LCTPC meeting@LBNL 6 April 2006
Ron Settles MPI-Munich/DESY LCTPC meeting@LBNL 6 April 2006 Work Packages for the LP and related work on the LC TPC 4) Workpackage CALIBRATION Groups expressing interest to date(others?) a) Fieldmap Cern, +contribution from Eudet b) Alignment Kek/XCDC c) Distortion correction Victoria d) Rad.hardness of material St.Petersburg e) Gas/HV/Infrastructure Desy, Victoria, +contribution from Eudet Dean Karlen Lucie Linssen Takeshi Matsuda Dean Karlen Anatoliy Krivchitch Desy Postdoc 07/05/2019 Ron Settles MPI-Munich/DESY LCTPC meeting@LBNL 6 April 2006
Ron Settles MPI-Munich/DESY LCTPC meeting@LBNL 6 April 2006 Work Packages for the LP and related work on the LC TPC – conveners Overall composition of conveners ~ 50:50 between ExtraEudet and Eudet affiliations 07/05/2019 Ron Settles MPI-Munich/DESY LCTPC meeting@LBNL 6 April 2006