AP and Honors Agreement 9:00 am – May 4, 2018 LA County High School for the Arts – (323) 343 – 2550 – lachsa.net
Overview Welcome Supporting Students AP and Honors Agreement Summer Assignments Questions
Supporting Students What has LACHSA changed over the past 6 years to provide better student supports? What will LACHSA change next year to provide better student supports? What has lachsa done over the last 6 years to support students? Office hours, performance buy back time, online grades and attendance, online assignmetns info, auto dialer, yearly counselor meetings, counselor classroom visits, etc. What is lachsa doing going forward? – Clear AP/Honors course expectations
AP and Honors Agreement What is the purpose of the agreement? Set clear expectations so students know they are committing to a year of college prep course work Set clear expectations for time commitment both in summer and during the school year 6 hours of homework per week
AP and Honors Agreement What am I committing to if I sign up for an AP or Honors course and sign the agreement? I will remain enrolled in the course for both semesters I will complete Summer Assignments I will be prepared for college level work during school year I will attend office hours or tutoring with the teacher if needed to be successful in the course I will plan to sign up and take the AP exam in May (AP only) Why do I need to sign this agreement by May 11, 2018? Why do I need to sign this agreement by April 2, 2015? Impact on the Master Schedule in a small school
Summer Assignments What are the summer assignments? Assignments to prepare students for course Review previous skills Introduce new topics for the course Draft on lachsa.net/summerassignment Approximately 20-30 hours per course May be in the form of: Reading Writing Reflecting Problem Solving
Summer Assignments What type of work will be assigned for Summer Assignments?
Summer Assignments What happens if I do not complete the work in the summer? The summer work will be used to guide the course work during the first week of school and will count towards the students grade (up to 10% of fall semester grade) Work will show as a missing assignment in students grade if not completed by due date Failure to complete summer work will not be grounds for dropping the course.
Agreement and Clarifying Questions Distribute Agreements Question should be asked if they clarify a portion of the agreement - time is limited. If your question is not able to be answered today, please email your question to LACHSA_Registration@alcoe.edu and we will respond in the order the questions are received (and as quickly as possible).
Questions: email LACHSA_Registration@lacoe.edu Summer Assignments lachsa.net/summerassignment AP/Honors Agreement due Friday, May 11, 2018. Please turn hard copy for into the box outside the main office.