Welcome to Third Grade Parent Night 2018/2019 Presented by Mrs. Tosha Humphrey and Mrs. Sara Lufkin
Planners and Textbooks Planners will be used on a daily basis. Please sign planners every single night. Take Home Folders to and from school daily. All textbooks/workbooks may be taken home as needed. $5 donation for planners/folders
Daily Schedule 7:55 – 8:15 – Morning Work 8:15 – 9:40 – Reading/L.A. (Lufkin) and Math (Humphrey) 9:40 – Break and Snack 9:45 – 11:10 – Reading/L.A. (Humphrey) and Math (Lufkin) 11:20 – 11:50 – Lunch 12:05 – 12:35 – Recess 12:35 – 1:15– Launch 1:15 – 2:00 – Science or Social Studies 2:05 – 2:50 – Specials 2:55 –Dismissal
Positive Behavior Plan Respectful Responsible Safe STARS! Students can earn one star each day Students need 70 stars to attend the Winter Carnival!
What Does the Grade Scale Show? Your A 100-93 I understand! Neat and complete! EXCELLENT effort! B 92-85 I mostly understand. Mostly neat and complete. Good effort. C 84-75 I understand some. Not all complete or neat. May not be my best effort. I need to ask more questions. D F 74-70 <69 I do not understand. I need to ask for help. May not be neat or complete.
Homework It should take about 20 minutes each night. Homework will be sent home each Tuesday and Thursday. It should be returned the following day.
Safety Visitor stickers for parents that are visiting the building for lunch or breakfast. Volunteer lanyards will be distributed after announcements. *Email for an appointment.* Appropriate drop off areas Only the front door will be open for admission Early Bird parents wait in the lower cafeteria Parent Appointments Parent Volunteers
Assessments Writing Spelling Quiz most every Friday Comprehension checks as needed, but often on Friday Math Testing as needed Science and Social Studies as needed Math Facts expectations Friday Note Information
Odds and Ends School Carnival- Friday, October 19th Donations- ice cream bowls, spoons, scoops, streamers, other items Volunteers Field Trips - One in the fall and one in the spring PTO membership Ear buds for students- Dollar Tree
Odds and Ends Birthdays – treats are best during lunch Water Bottles Snacks Baby girl Logan lufkins@loudoncounty.org humphreyt@loudoncounty.org SUBSCRIBE TO CLASS WEBSITE! https://ees.loudoncounty.edlioschool.com/
QUESTIONS? Don’t be afraid to ask!