VME64x Digital Acquisition Board Architecture (DAB64x) Stratix FPGA VME Sync. SRAM Timing Clock 12-bit Mezzanine 12-bit Mezzanine Main Features FPGA Core: Altera Stratix EP1S10… EP1S40F780 Synchronous SRAM: 3 blocks of 128K…2M 32/36 2 12 bits Mezzanine Boards for specific acquisition functions VME Access: D32/A32 or D64/A64 Timing and Acquisition Clock management JL Gonzalez
VME64x Digital Acquisition Board (TRIUMF-DAB64x) Designed to handle 2 channels of 12-bit 40MHz Data Will be used for LTI and LHC beam position system; SPS, LTI and LHC fast beam intensity measurements and LHC beam loss system JL Gonzalez
P0 - Connector JL Gonzalez Pin Row a Row b Row c Row d Row e Row f 1 BLMin1 -5V2RET Capture Start Post Mortem Start GND 2 BLMin2 Auxiliary d2 Post Mortem Freeze 3 BLMin3 Auxiliary d3 Auxiliary PM Start 4 BLMin4 -5V2 Auxiliary d4 Auxiliary PM Freeze 5 BLMout1 Auxiliary d5 Orbit Start 6 BLMout2 Auxiliary d6 Auxiliary e6 7 BLMout3 -2VRET Auxiliary d7 Auxiliary e7 8 BLMout4 Auxiliary d8 Auxiliary e8 9 Unused -2V 10 11 12 +5V BS0 LVDS Turn clock Delay + 13 BS1 LVDS Turn clock Delay - 14 +5VRET BS2 15 BS3 16 +15V BS4 LVDS 40 MHz Clock + 17 +15VRET BS5 LVDS 40 MHz Clock - 18 -15VRET BS6 19 -15V BS7 JL Gonzalez
Main Devices - Stratix EP1S… Altera FPGA: Stratix Overview: 1.5 V - 780-Pin FineLine BGA EP1S20 EP1S30 EP1S40 Logic Elements (LEs) 18 460 32 470 41 250 M512 RAM blocks (32 x 18 bits) 194 295 384 M4K RAM blocks (128 x 36 bits) 82 171 183 M-RAM blocks (4K x 144 bits) 1 4 Total RAM bits 1 669 248 3 317 184 3 423 744 DSP blocks 10 12 14 Embedded multipliers (9x9-bit) 80 96 112 PLLs 6 Maximum user I/O pins 586 597 615 Estimated cost (EUR) 212 422 The pin out compatibility of these devices allows for different board implementations and makes the DAB64x a very versatile module Associated memory estimated costs: 3 128K 32: 12 EUR 3 2M 36: 420 EUR JL Gonzalez
Boundary Scan Test PC BS Device JTAG Controller PC Power Supplies Test Setup BS Device P1 P0 P2 Scan Bridge SCANSTA111 Other BS Devices Aux. Mezzanine Aux. Mezzanine DAB64x During production, this test should prevent mounting or soldering errors JL Gonzalez
DAB Production Schedule History DAB64x specs finalised in January 2003 FPGA – ALTERA Stratix 30 DABIII cards needed for in 2004 Production and testing will be done at CERN 2004 Order of main components Tender for most expensive parts Spring 2004: production of 3 BPM-type and 2 BLM-type prototypes (Daryl Bishop). Tests at CERN (Daryl) Tender for full production Autumn 2004: pre-series production (35 modules) 2005 Full production Tests at CERN Installation JL Gonzalez