Measurement Lab Trial 1 Sig Fig Inquiry
Objectives: Informal Assessment: Formal Assessment: Use proper technique to make accurate and precise measurements. Analyze data to create rules for significant figures. Informal Assessment: Monitoring student interactions and questions as they complete the measurement lab and significant figures inquiry activity Formal Assessment: Analyzing student responses to measurement lab and significant figure inquiry Common Core Connection Use appropriate tools strategically Attend to precision Make sense of problem and persevere in solving them
Lesson Sequence Evaluate: Warm-Up Engage and Explore: Measurement Lab Trial 1 Explain: Significant Figures in Measurement Elaborate/ Explore: Significant Figures Inquiry Evaluate: Exit Ticket
Warm Up Write the name of the pieces of lab equipment pictured and the unit that they are measure in
Objectives Today I will be able to: Use proper technique to make accurate and precise measurements. Analyze data to create rules for significant figures.
Homework Finish Significant Figures Inquiry WS Signed Syllabus Due Friday August 28
Agenda Warm-Up Measurement Lab Trial 1 Significant Figures in Measurement Significant Figures Inquiry Exit Ticket
Measurement Lab Trial 1 Travel to the stations in the lab and measure the mass, volume or length. Record your answers on the poster on the board
Class Discussion What do you notice about the measurements we recorded? Why is there variation within the measurements? How can we ensure that the measurements we take in the lab are both accurate and precise?
Taking measurements to the correct number if Significant Figures Ms. Ose explains every piece of lab equipment has a specific number of gradations it can be read to.
There are specific rules for determining the number of significant figures in a measurement
Complete the Significant Figures Inquiry Activity Work in your row to complete the activity Hint: look at the “zeros” in the numbers
Exit Ticket Determine the number of Sig Figs in the numbers listed below 141 0.252 0.250 With your row, discuss the following questions: If you could have one special superhero power, what would it be? Would you rather have Cheetos fingers, or a popcorn kernel stuck in the back of your throat, for the rest of your life?