WOMEN IN ECONOMICS Ellinor Ostrom Elinor Ostrom (USA, 1933 - 2012) received her PhD from UCLA in 1965. She has been professor at Indiana University since 1966 and she founded the Centre for the study of Institutional Diversity in Arizona State University. She was the first (and only) woman awarded with the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2009, (shared with O. Williamson) “for her analysis of economic governance, especially of the commons”. Her main contribution challenged the conventional wisdom on the management of local property by demonstrating how it can be successfully managed by local commons without any regulation by central authorities or privatization. “The self-interest of those who negotiated the contract will lead them to monitor each other and to report observed infractions so that the contract is enforced”* *Governing the Commons: The Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1990.
MULLERES ECONOMISTAS Ellinor Ostrom Elinor Ostrom (EEUU, 1933 - 2012). Doctorouse en Ciencia Política en UCLA en 1965. Foi profesora na Universidad de Indiana dende 1966 e fundadora do Centre for the study of Institutional Diversity na Arizona State University. Foi a primeira (e única) muller galardonada co Premio Nobel de Economía no ano 2009 (compartido con O. Williamson) “pola súa análise da gobernanza económica, especialmente dos bens comúns”. Destacou na escola da Nova Economía Institucional polos seus estudos sobre á acción colectiva, a evolución das institucións e a sua supervivencia no longo prazo. “The self-interest of those who negotiated the contract will lead them to monitor each other and to report observed infractions so that the contract is enforced”* *Governing the Commons: The Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1990.