hDAF- and hCEACAM1-4L-associated lipid raft signaling pathways involved in Afa/Dr DAEC pathogenesis. hDAF- and hCEACAM1-4L-associated lipid raft signaling pathways involved in Afa/Dr DAEC pathogenesis. (A) Micrographs show the observation by CLSM of the mobilization of the lipid raft marker ganglioside GM1 around Dr adhesin-positive E. coli adhering to HeLa cells. Yellow, colocalization of Dr adhesin and GM1 immunolabelings. (Reprinted from reference 317.) (B) Dr adhesin-induced phosphorylation of Src in infected HeLa cells. (C) Passage of hCEACAM1 into lipid rafts in transfected hCEACAM1-HeLa cells infected with Dr adhesin-positive E. coli. TfR, non-lipid raft transferrin receptor. (D) Recruitment of SHP-2 around Dr adhesin-positive E. coli adhering to transfected HeLa cells expressing hCEACAM1. (E) Time-dependent association of SHP-2 with hCEACAM1 in transfected HeLa cells expressing hCEACAM1 and infected with Dr adhesin-positive E. coli. (In panels B to E, data and micrographs reprinted from reference 318 with permission.) The drawing on the right indicates the sites of phosphorylation observed in hDAF and hCEACAM1-4L after Afa/Dr DAEC infection. Alain L. Servin Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 2014; doi:10.1128/CMR.00036-14