eMARS 2nd Meeting of Competent Authorities SEVESO Expert Group 24 October 2013, Vilnius, Lithuania Zsuzsanna Gyenes, PhD - JRC IPSC STA Unit - Major Accident Hazards Bureau
Outline Current eMARS statistics New accidents in eMARS Difficulties in reporting How to..
I. Current eMARS statistics
eMARS REPORTING STATUS Accident Reports 2011 Number 29 New created 8 To be confirmed Confirmed 15 (7 under translation 8 to be translated) Online 6 Accident reports 2012 Number 36 10 22 (2 under translation 12 to be translated) 4 Total online (public) 777 Total in system 888 (10 reports in 2013)
for your active collaboration in reporting accidents A big THANK YOU MS OECD for your active collaboration in reporting accidents
Event types 2013
Event types 2012
Event types 2011
Reports translation 2012 2012
Reports translation 2011 2011
II. New accidents in eMARS
Reporting under 2013 – 9 accidents under Seveso II Directive and 1 accident OECD (CAN) 2012 – 3 accidents OECD (CAN) 2011 – 5 accidents under Seveso II+OECD
10 new reports in eMARS 2013 Explosion at a manufacturing plant and storage of fireworks Near miss at an explosives factory) Train derailment (CAN) Tank rupture Leakage of heavy fuel oil Flood at distillery solvent recycling Nitric acid vapor intoxication Fire in a plant of propellants for ammunition Electrical failure Intoxication of workers
Industrial activity Production and storage of fireworks Production and storage of explosives Other activity (not included above) Fuel storage (including heating, retail sale, etc.) Petrochemical / Oil Refineries Production of basic organic chemicals Chemical installations - nitrogen oxides Production and manufacturing of pulp and paper General chemicals manufacture (not included above)
III. Difficulties in reporting
General problems Account information (login name, password) - forgotten Webpage address - forgotten Pdf generation – due to WORD characters Lock out – not save report Quantity to fill in boxes –use numbers!!!
Report quality problems Inadequate description of the event Site description n.a. Substances involved – no quantity/numbers given in boxes No causes given No consequences written No lessons learned given In 2/3 of the reports in 2011 and 2012 Reason: investigation is ongoing BUT 50% of these are already in CONFIRMED status
IV. How to...
How do we get from this …
WHY? … to this? LL2 LL1 The operator should have clear and updated documentation of all identified major accident hazard scenarios associated with the site. Management of change – An additional risk assessment should be conducted to take into account all maintenance related risks (e.g. accidental release of toxic substance). Sensors should be installed where a risk of release of toxic substances is possible. The operator should carry out random supervision, especially when contractors are in the field.
How do we get from this … Explosion of a leach tank, causes not know until now, two fatalities
… to this?
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION IPSC - INSTITUTE FOR THE PROTECTION AND SECURITY OF THE CITIZEN ISPRA, ITALY http://emars.jrc.ec.europa.eu/ http://mahb.ec.europa.eu http://ipsc.jrc.ec.europa.eu/ http://www.jrc.ec.europa.eu/