SCREENING SCOPING SEA QUALITY CONTROL DECISION Competent Authority MoEF Related Institutions NGO’s, Public Submission of Screening Form to the Ministry SCREENING Decision Inform Inform Annex I and II SCOPING Draft Scoping Document (Annex-III) Consult (Scoping Meeting) Consult (Scoping Meeting) Inform Final Scoping Document SEA Preparing SEA Report Describing do nothing Environmental effects QUALITY CONTROL Draft SEA Report Consult (Public Participation Meeting) Consult (Public Participation Meeting) Finalize SEA Report & Submit to MoEF Observer at Public Participation Meeting Quality Control DECISION Final Decision on Plan or Programme Inform Inform Inform MONITORING Monitoring
1 SCREENING Determining whether the planning document is subject to SEA, i.e.: Is the planning document setting a framework for future development of projects subject to EIA? Or likely to have effects on protected areas? 2 SCOPING Determination of the scope for SEA - Prepare Scoping Report for CONSULTATION 3 BASELINE Analysis of the current situation and trends and their likely evolution, including BAU scenario (Business As Usual = in absence of modifications/interventions) 4 ASSESSMENT Assess Objectives, Policies and Measures of the planning document - Identify likely impacts on Environment and Health, and provide related recommendations for their optimization - Prepare SEA Report for CONSULTATION 5 DECISION MAKING - ADOPTION Integration of SEA determinations into the planning document - The competent body/proponent Authority formally adopts the planning document 6 IMPLEMENTATION and MONITORING The competent body monitors the effects on Environment and Health of the planning document all along the whole implementation process