Gender Issues
Gender VS sex Gender = psychosocial (cultural) Sex = biological
Genetic code Eggs = XX Sperm = XY
Prenatal sexual differentiation In the absence of male hormones, female external genitals will develop
Prenatal structure
Structures Female = Mullerian ducts Male = Wolffian ducts
Undifferentiated stage
Early genital development
Advanced genital development
Peno-scrotal raphe
Homologus structures Clitoris = glands of the penis Scrotum = major lips
Abnormal prenatal differentiation Hermaphrodites True hermaphrodite One ovary & one testicle Pseudohermaphrodite Often two ovaries & penis like clitoris May result from Chromosomal disorder Hormonal disorder More common than true hermaphrodites
Chromosome errors Turner’s syndrome (sterile female with absent or underdeveloped ovaries) XO Normal external genitals Lack of menstruation at puberty Female gender identity Klinefelters syndrome (sterile male with underdeveloped genitals) XXY
Hormone errors (prenatal) Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS) External genitals of male fetus fail to differentiate Newborn has normal-looking female external genitals Diagnosed when menstruation does not occur
Hormone errors (prenatal) Fetally androgenized females (FAF) Masculinized external organs
John Money study of Joan/John Circumcision accident Follow-up 17 years later The effect of prenatal hormones on brain differentiation may be much more influential in gender-identity than was originally assumed.
Transvestite VS transsexual Transvestite cross dresses for sexual arousal Transsexual cross dresses to feel comfortable and congruent
Sex reassignment surgery Transsexuals or transgender Crossdresses to feel comfortable and congruent More men than women Ratio is narrowing Most preoperative transsexual persons feel they are heterosexual.
Trans gender surgery results
Gender assumptions The assumptions that men “know about sex”, are responsible for doing a “good Job” with sex, and women are passive is a result of social learning, not biology.