Phonics Parent Meeting Thursday 31st January 2019 Welcome to a brief taster of our whole school synthetic phonics literacy programme – Read Write Inc! Please insert own notes for introduction/welcome.
Read, Write, Inc. ‘Read, Write Inc.’ is a literacy programme by Ruth Miskin. The whole programme covers phonics, reading, writing and spelling and can be used across EY, KS1 and KS2.
A bit of technical vocabulary… Phoneme – spoken sounds – there are about 44 in the English language Grapheme – how we write each of the spoken sounds e.g the spoken sounds ‘f’ is written using the graphemes f, ff, ph. Decoding – blend sounds to read words Red words – words that cannot be sounded out e.g. I, said, they Green words – words that can be sounded out using our phonics Fred talk – (Fred is the frog) he can only talk in sounds e.g. sh-o-p Nonsense or alien words – made up words Watch our Type into google Ruth Miskin Phoneme pronunciation guide to watch a clip about how to pronounce the sounds or follow the link below: This video is available on the RMT website and Facebook page
Set 1 sounds Set 2 sounds f l m n r s v z sh th ng nk b c d g h j p qu Consonants: stretchy f l m n r s v z sh th ng nk Consonants: bouncy b c d g h j p qu t w x y ch k Vowels: bouncy Vowels: stretchy a e i o u ay ee igh ow Explain that there is an audio guide on the Ruth Miskin Literacy website and a downloadable parent letter which gives guidance on pure pronunciation but you should go through these sounds quickly with parents using My Turn/Your Turn. Stress you must not use letter names at this stage – just pure sounds. Stress getting rid of ‘ugh’ to help blending. Parents usually love this bit! Make it fun! Set 1 then long vowels in Set 2. Explain that when the children are taught the sounds they use the cards and a multi-sensory approach – hold up the cards again. oo ar or air ir ou oy Set 1 sounds Set 2 sounds
Explain again the sound boxes and say this chart show the many different graphemes for the same sounds! No other language has as many to learn! Pink graphemes are Set 3 – explain they only learn these once they know all of Set 1 & 2 effortlessly – systematic and structured!
How do phonics help us read? Say “hello” to Fred. Fred can only talk in sounds... He says “c_a_t.” Not cat. We call this Fred Talk. Watch Ruth Miskin explains Fred Talk. Hold up Fred! Say you too can have a Fred at home – use one like this or any stuffed toy. Watch the video for a demonstration of how to Fred talk.
Fred Fingers We use Fred Fingers to help children sound out words to spell easily. It means they do not have to memorise lists of spelling words. It is a tool so they will be able to spell any word. Demonstrate how to use Fred Fingers.
Children convert words into sounds Fred... Fred helps children learn to count the number of phonemes in words and spell as well! Children convert words into sounds They press the sounds they hear on to their fingers... We call this Fred Fingers Show how to use fingers to spell some of the words you have just blended. Use My Turn Your Turn with the parents – say “show me three fingers – the word is dog.” (or shop or wish or any 3 sound word) “Now put your sounds on your fingers!” This is the reversibility principle of decoding for reading and encoding for writing.
National Phonics Screening Check – Year 1 The National phonics screening check is a statutory assessment that was introduced in 2012 to all Year 1 pupils. All year 1 pupils will take the phonics screening check in June 2019. It comprises of a list of 40 words; 20 real words and 20 nonsense/alien words. It will assess phonics skills and knowledge learnt through reception and year 1. Your child will read the test in a one to one situation. They will read up to 4 words per page and they will probably do the check in 10‐15 minutes. They will be asked to ‘sound out’ a word and blend the sounds together to read the word. The children have plenty of exposure to nonsense words so they are well prepared for the test.
National Phonics Screening Check – Year 1
How to help your child at home…
Talking Talk to your child as much as possible and ‘feed’ them new and ambitious vocabulary. “Let’s eat our lunch now.” “Let’s munch our lunch now.” “Let’s scoff our lunch now.” “Let’s devour our lunch now!” Click through and read examples to parents. Use ambitious vocabulary with your children and encourage them to use these words for themselves in both their speech and writing. Build interesting sentences with your child. A rich vocabulary is essential for high levels of comprehension. The more words your child has in his/her head when they come to school, the quicker they will understand when they read, e.g. “You’re looking pleased… not just pleased but delighted!” (thrilled/ecstatic/euphoric! Etc)
Vocabulary Enrich conversations through description: “Look at that rain. It looks like little diamonds sparkling on the window pane!” Have fun with words and language. “I’m as hot as a spud in a cooking pot!” Praise your child for using new words or interesting phrases Help grow your child’s vocabulary by enriching conversations through description. Click and read examples. Give other examples if you want to.
You can read stories with your child. Relentlessly. Read favourite stories over and over again Read some stories at a higher level than they can read themselves. Listen to them reading their take home Phonics storybooks. Watch our storytime at home video. View the Ruth Miskin Training suggested reading lists for great books to read with your children.
Use these prompts to help you: When reading lots of lovely stories to your child, ask them as many questions as you can! Use these prompts to help you: What is that character thinking? What do you think happens next? What is happening? Reading to your child lots of lovely stories that are at a higher level than your child can read yet. What is the character saying? What do you think that character is feeling now?
You can practise pronouncing sounds. Remember no ‘fuh’ and ‘luh’!
You can have fun with Fred Talk. “What a tidy r-oo-m!” “Where’s your c-oa-t?” “Time for b-e-d!” Give a couple of examples e.g. Where is your c_oa_t? Time for b_e_d! Make sure your child can tell you what the word is. Use only single syllable words (no Fred Talking multi-syllabic words) and only the last word in a sentence or it gets very silly! E.g. P_u_t o_n y_our b_l_ue c_oa_t (you’ll never get out!).
You can watch video tutorials. For how to do all these things and more
Online games to support phonics at home Ruth Miskin Parents’ Page: Phonics Play (free games) Topmarks Phonics Bloom Free e-books for home reading:
Practise alien words There are lots of practise tests online if you google ‘phonics screening check practise materials’ You can make up your own alien words using set 1, 2 and 3 sounds. Please make sure children never write alien words, only read them.
Please remember: When reading with your child at home, it is meant to be easy! They are consolidating what they have learnt at school, not learning anything new. If they find it too difficult they will not enjoy reading at home. Reading is a pleasurable activity.
You can order the resources online. Hold up an example of these resources. You could also explain about One-to-one Tutoring. If you have the One-to-one Tutoring kit in school you could show this. Explain that this is designed to help slowest progress readers make accelerated progress by working on a 1:1 with an adult for 10 - 20 mins a day. There is a handbook in the One-to-one Tutoring box to guide the adult and Ruth Miskin Literacy provide training in this as well.
Thank you for coming Happy reading!
Now its your turn!!