Chapters 1-3 Test is next Thursday (warm-ups due on test day) Economics: January 24 Warm-up List five examples of government involvement in the U.S. economy. Learning Target In order to understand the purpose of economic transition, I will analyze why several countries have chosen to incorporate more capitalism into their economies. I will know I have it when I can explain: (1) the initial and longer term impact of transition on several countries; and (2) how their transitions impact U.S. markets. Chapter 2, Lesson 3: The Global Transition to Capitalism (HO from yesterday) --Standard of living --GDP vs. GDP per capita --Calculating and ranking GDP per capita --Transition and pollution (cartoon) China's Pollution Problem --Transitioning countries and their GDP data Assignment Read Ch. 3, Lessons 1 & 2 in e-textbook Chapters 1-3 Test is next Thursday (warm-ups due on test day)