We will return to this at the end of the session. To Begin With… On the post-it note at the top, rate your confidence in planning engaging lessons in a percentage. 0% - not confident at all 100% - super confident We will return to this at the end of the session.
Starter Menu Task Add to the starter menu template 3 starter ideas. Think of the starters you have seen today. Using the A4 sheet you have been provided, think about how you could incorporate these into your lessons.
Learners are engaged when… All learners are on task. Learners have an choice of activities to complete. Different learning styles are included in the lesson. Children enjoy learning the activities set.
Let us know how you have found today. Exit Ticket Let us know how you have found today. What do you feel helped you or what could we have done differently to make the session more effective for you?
Progress Check Has your percentage increased? Return to your post-it note. Based on today’s session, rate your confidence in planning engaging lessons in a percentage. 0% - not confident at all 100% - super confident Has your percentage increased? Stick on the board as you leave.
Progress Check Using the blank take away homework sheet, think about a homework you will be setting or have. Use the template and model to help you create your own.