E.Perepelkin and S.Vorozhtsov 18 November 2008 Proton acceleration E.Perepelkin and S.Vorozhtsov
Initial parameters Mass = 1.007 a.m.u. Charge = 1 Frequency = 22.9 MHz Harmonics = 1 Uinj = 29.54 keV Udee = 132.64 kV/ 50 kV Uinf = 8.18 kV B-map from A. Vorozhtsov
Central region Dee 1 = Dee 2 = 50 kV Wk ≈ 80 keV φRF = - 30° at the 1st gap Wk ≈ 74 keV φRF = - 5.1° at the 1st gap Dee 1 = Dee 2 = 50 kV
Central region Dee1 = Dee2 = 150 kV, fRF = 22.905 MHz φRF = 51° at the 1st gap φRF = 33° at the 1st gap Uinf = 10.5 kV Axial shift −2 mm φRF = 4° R = 21.6 mm, θ = 48.6°, Z = 0 mm Pr = 38.64°, Pz = 0°, Wk = 29.54 keV φRF = 65° R = 0 mm, Z = 74 mm Wk = 29.54 keV
Acceleration in the whole region Median plane injection Injection through inflector
RF phases at Dee centers Final energy 60 MeV Final energy 60 MeV Median plane injection Injection through inflector