The French Explorers Illinois History
French Goals What They Do About It Expand the fur trade Find a waterway to the Pacific Ocean Extend Catholicism Send expeditions into the Illinois Country First Marquette & Jolliet Later LaSalle & Tonti What They Do About It
Father Jacques Marquette Our Major Players Father Jacques Marquette Catholic priest Speaks Algonquin Fur trader Cartographer (Mapmaker) Louis Jolliet
René Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle Friend of the governor Arrogant Wants fame and fortune LaSalle’s partner Noted for bravery Henri de Tonti
Modern reproduction of the Piasa Bird near Alton, Illinois "While Skirting some rocks, which by Their height and length inspired awe, We saw upon one of them two painted monsters which at first made Us afraid, and upon Which the boldest savages dare not Long rest their eyes. They are as large As a calf; they have Horns on their heads Like those of a deer, a horrible look, red eyes, a beard Like a tiger's, a face somewhat like a man's, a body Covered with scales, and so Long A tail that it winds all around the Body, passing above the head and going back between the legs, ending in a Fish's tail. Green, red, and black are the three Colors composing the Picture. Moreover, these 2 monsters are so well painted that we cannot believe that any savage is their author; for good painters in France would find it difficult to reach that place Conveniently to paint them. Here is approximately The shape of these monsters, As we have faithfully Copied It." Modern reproduction of the Piasa Bird near Alton, Illinois
Principal Events of LaSalle’s Journey Griffon incident Ft. Crevecoeur Claims Louisiana Ft. St. Louis Returns to France for an army Sails to Gulf of Mexico, goes off track