Eurostat - collection of data on Occupations 28.11.2008 ISCO-08: a need for a common european interpretation
PLAN Part one : How to deal with imprecisions in ISCO-08? Part two : How to identify supervisors: a pilot survey
PART ONE How to deal with imprecisions in ISCO-08?
Boundaries between major groups need to be clarified In the French context: 1 - 3 - 7 managers / supervisors / tradesmen 1 - 5 managers / shopkeepers or hotelier 1 - 2 managers / professionals 6 - 9 labourers / skilled agricultural workers
Distinction between major groups 1 - 3 - 7 Question 1: how do we classify a mechanic who runs his own small garage - 3 employees - where he also works as a mechanic? Major group 1 or 7 (3?)
Distinction between major groups 1 - 3 - 7 Question 2: how do we classify a mechanic who, in addition to his work as a mechanic, runs his own garage supported by a supervisor to whom he delegates some of his authority over 8 salaried mechanics? Major group 1 or 7 (3?)
Distinction between major groups 1 - 5 Question 1: how do we classify a shopkeeper who runs his own shop with his wife and 2 employees? Normaly Major group 5
Distinction between major groups 1 - 5 Question 2: how do we classify a shopkeeper who runs his own shop supported by a supervisor to whom he delegates some of his authority over 8 salaried shop assistants? Major group 1 or 5 ?
Distinction between major groups 1 - 5 Question 3: how do we classify an hotelier who runs his own hotel - 2 employees - ? Major group 1 or 5
Distinction between major groups 1 - 2 Question: Where would one classify a professional who coordinates a small team of 3 other people ? Major group 1 or 2?
Distinction between major groups 6 - 9 Question: Where would one classify a family worker? Major group 6 or 9?
Specific questions in the French context (1) How do we classify specific occupations in the public sector? occupations that may require different level of qualifications (accountants, nurses, gardeners, directors)? non specialized managerial occupations in middle size firm?
Specific questions in the French context (2) No interest for the distinction between commercial and non-commercial agriculture (61-62) The concept doesn’t characterize tasks but earnings is not applied systematically applied to MG 6 but not to unskilled agricultural workers MG-9
Enhancing coding using supplementary variables for a better comparability firmsize occupational status (employer/employee/family workers) managerial position supervisory responsabilities
Enhancing coding using supplementary variables ... and robustness economic activity of the local unit function/role (production, research, sale, management, teaching etc. )
Two recommendations ... - No multiplication of supplementary variables - Coherence between additional variables to be used to implement ESeC and those used to implement ISCO
Practical implications More information to be collected about job An automatic coding system using - job title and/or self-description - additional variables That can be used for CAPI interviews, internet self interview or for post-coding (paper survey and register)
PART TWO How to identify supervisors? a pilot survey
A pilot survey made comparable to ZUMA (DE) experiment 3 890 respondents, in 5 regions field work: november 2007 eligible respondents: - 18 years old or more - employed, unemployed, inactive Insee
The questionnaire (1)
The questionnaire (2)
The questionnaire (3)
The questionnaire (4)
The questionnaire (5)
Exploratory and provisional results (1) by L. Wolff
Exploratory and provisional results (2)
What questions for type of supervisors (3)?