Time and Attendance – completing your timesheet
Go to Frontline www.mynwresd>quick links>Frontline Apps
Sign in You will be directed to this screen – select Time & Attendance
Completing your timesheet After logging in Make sure your name is showing
As an employee this is your view at home screen
In the upper left, select Time and Attendance From this drop down you can toggle between the different Frontline products
Select the Timesheet tile
You will see all of your current timesheets
At the bottom of all timesheets there is a monthly summary
What am I suppose to do once I’m here?
Make sure you are on the correct pay period before reviewing: If not, click the little calendar icon to select the correct period: Click “Expand All” to see details of each day or you can click the “∨” at the end of the line to expand an individual day’s detail.
Schedules and time worked have been auto- populated for everyone’s convenience These times are based on information received from supervisors As an employee you are responsible to double check that hours and leaves have been synced FROM Absence Management TO your Time & Attendance timesheet If leaves have not been synced, please let payroll and/or sub services know and we’ll get it fixed
My Schedule is wrong I work 8:00– 4:00 but my timesheet schedule says 7:30 – 3:30 Contact payroll@nwresd.k12.or.us or ext 1328 and let us know. We can usually fix fairly quickly and we will then pass along to sub services to sync Absence Management. We will need to know time in/time out and lunch Telling us look at your calendar is not helpful as we need the exact working schedule.
Time entry can be changed if something is incorrect. The only thing that cannot be changed on the timesheet is leave entries. Those have to be corrected in Absence Management. (Let your supervisor and admin assistant know.)
Click on the first day in question
Click the little pencil icon This allows you to enter edit mode
Change Sign In time to correct start time Each change you enter a comment is required
Don’t forget to SAVE Changes Green button at top
My timesheet has a non-contract day listed and I’m working
…… there is a work around
Enter time worked into time events along with comment “Normal Work Day” To add lunch break click Add New Event
This shows how many hours are paid. I added the time and its showing 16 hrs – Am I getting paid for those extra hours? No This shows how many hours are on the timesheet (8 NC and 8 working) that the system is keeping track of This shows how many hours are paid.
What about extra duty? The same procedure just shown is how to add extra duty. It is ESSENTIAL that “Extra Duty” is indicated in the all comment sections In the Timesheet Comment at the bottom is the best place to indicate where the funding should be for Extra Duty
A second way is to go to actions > add timesheet > select date > OK Note: adding timesheet allows creation for days in the future
Submitting Your Timesheet It is recommended that time be reviewed and submitted weekly If everything looks good after reviewing, hit the submit button
Timesheets can be submitted as a batch or individually
PIN?? What Pin? If you can’t remember your very first PIN from AESOP there is help available Go to your home page
When you click on the Change Pin tile, it will display your current PIN and give you the option to choose a new 4 digit PIN if you want
Home stretch – almost done Now that you have your PIN click the checkbox to certify you have reviewed and your timesheet is correct enter PIN hit Submit Timesheet button Once you have submitted your timesheet it will be routed to the first person reconciling timesheets/absences and to your supervisor to review and approve before moving to payroll
For more help, use the Frontline online support feature by clicking the ?
Questions? pvoss@nwresd.k12.or.us payroll@nwresd.k12.or.us Pam Voss, Payroll Manager pvoss@nwresd.k12.or.us payroll@nwresd.k12.or.us 503-614-1328