Literacy Starter 1. Unscramble the key words:


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Presentation transcript:

Literacy Starter 1. Unscramble the key words: HOTERY OLOVENUTI HATCISIRERATC PIECESS 2. Match the theories together: Species over or under used features which are then passed onto offspring. DARWIN LAMARCK Species were created by a higher being (e.g. God) Animals with useful features survive and pass these features onto their offspring INTELLIGENT DESIGN 3. Make three sentences using these nine words. Choose the words from each box. LAMARCK DARWIN INTELLIGENT DESIGN NATURE FEATURE COMPETITION OFFSPRING REPRODUCE THEORY

ANSWERS 1. Unscramble the key words: 2. Match the theories together: THEORY EVOLUTION CHARACTERISTIC SPECIES 2. Match the theories together: Species over or under used features which are then passed onto offspring. DARWIN LAMARCK Species were created by a higher being (e.g. God) Animals with useful features survive and pass these features onto their offspring INTELLIGENT DESIGN 3. Make three sentences using these nine words. Choose the words from each box. LAMARCK DARWIN INTELLIGENT DESIGN NATURE FEATURE COMPETITION OFFSPRING REPRODUCE THEORY

Speciation Reflective Learner Effective Participator Self Manager Team L.O: Understand what speciation is, the work of Wallace and his link to Darwin Grade 4: Describe what a species is, define speciation and give an example of an important discovery by Wallace. Grade 6: Describe the steps in the process of speciation. Explain why there are species living in one place that share some similarities with species found elsewhere. Grade 8: Explain the relationship between the length of isolation and the number of unique species that evolve. Suggest how new species of organisms evolved. Explain why Wallace’s work prompted Darwin to publish The Origin of Species. Reflective Learner Effective Participator Self Manager Team Worker

What is a species? Which do you think is the best definition of a species? A group of organisms that can breed together to produce fertile offspring A group of organisms that all have similar characteristics A group of organisms that have the same genes

What is a species? Which do you think is the best definition of a species? A group of organisms that can breed together to produce fertile offspring WRITE IT DOWN

What is speciation and how does it happen? Speciation is the process by which two species evolve from a single original species by natural selection. It can occur due to geographic isolation (when two populations become physically separated) or environmental isolation (when the climate changes in one area but not the other). WATCH THIS CLIP WRITE THIS DOWN

Speciation in Action – The Zeebo Effective Participator Team Worker Speciation in Action – The Zeebo The Zeebo was a simple creature. Many sailors kept them as pets. Zeebos were left behind on some islands. The Zeebo developed characteristics to make it adapted to that habitat. Read about your habitat. Draw how natural selection might cause your Zeebo to change over time.


Speciation in Action – The Zeebo Island 1 Island 2 Island 3 Island 4 Could the zeebos from the different islands now breed together? What do you think would happen to the number of species that evolved as time went on?

Reflective Learner Self Manager Your turn! Reflective Learner Self Manager Task: Create a storyboard explaining how speciation occurs. Answer the question if you are aiming for grade 6/8. Grade 4: Use help sheet to create your storyboard Grade 6: Create your own storyboard to describe the steps in the process of speciation. Explain why there are species living in one place that share some similarities with species found elsewhere. Grade 8: Create your own storyboard to describe the steps in the process of speciation. Explain the relationship between the length of isolation and the number of unique species that evolve.

Help sheet A species contains individuals that can breed together to produce fertile offspring. Sometimes a species can become isolated. This can be geographic isolation (e.g new mountain range or new river). Or environmental isolation (when the climate changes in one area but not the other) Mutations will occur within each population, some of which will make the individuals better suited to the environment. These individuals will breed together and pass the alleles onto their offspring. Over generations the two species will become so different that they can no longer breed together. They are now different species, speciation has occurred.

Help sheet – Correct order A species contains individuals that can breed together to produce fertile offspring. Sometimes a species can become isolated. This can be geographic isolation (e.g new mountain range or new river). Or environmental isolation (when the climate changes in one area but not the other) Mutations will occur within each population, some of which will make the individuals better suited to the environment. These individuals will breed together and pass the alleles onto their offspring. Over generations the two species will become so different that they can no longer breed together. They are now different species, speciation has occurred.

Alfred Russel Wallace Wait! What about me?? Grade 4: Give an example of an important discovery by Wallace. Grade 6: As grade 4 & describe the work of Wallace Grade 8: As grade 6 & explain why Wallace’s work prompted Darwin to publish The Origin of Species.

Alfred Russel Wallace Homework Read pages 240 – 241 from the AQA Biology book from the Kerboodle website. Grade 4: Give an example of an important discovery by Wallace. Grade 6: As grade 4 & describe the work of Wallace Grade 8: As grade 6 & explain why Wallace’s work prompted Darwin to publish The Origin of Species. Username = first initial & full surname Password = same as username (unless you have changed it) Institution code = ur7

Speciation Reflective Learner Effective Participator Self Manager Team L.O: Understand what speciation is, the work of Wallace and his link to Darwin Grade 4: Describe what a species is, define speciation and give an example of an important discovery by Wallace. Grade 6: Describe the steps in the process of speciation. Explain why there are species living in one place that share some similarities with species found elsewhere. Grade 8: Explain the relationship between the length of isolation and the number of unique species that evolve. Suggest how new species of organisms evolved. Explain why Wallace’s work prompted Darwin to publish The Origin of Species. Reflective Learner Effective Participator Self Manager Team Worker