Welcome to DEEPER LIFE BIBLE CHURCH, AMSTERDAM Year of A Bountiful Harvest Sunday Worship Service 06 January 2019
YEAR OF A BOUNTIFUL HARVEST – Psalm 126:1-6 Serve in the beauty of holiness and secure His bountiful harvest!
KEY THOUGHT To harvest, we must sow faithfully KEY THOUGHT To harvest, we must sow faithfully. As it is in the physical, so is it also in the spiritual. The investment that goes into sowing will reflect in the harvesting: Our sowing will determine our reaping. Our God is faithful: in this Year of A Bountiful Harvest, He will give the increase!
HARVEST OF SPIRITUAL RENEWAL To be renewed is to be awake, alive, alert and agile spiritually: It brings joy: Psa 126:1,2 It makes you fruitful: Psa 51:12,13 It must be a burden: Psa 85:4-6 And an urgent plea: Psa 51:7,8 It is great wisdom to begin the year with grace and fervency. Put yourself on the path of spiritual victory and usefulness: Let the first harvest be you!
HARVEST OF SERIOUS RIGHTEOUSNESS Godliness is the best learning; so be diligent in cultivating it: Awake unto it: 1 Cor 15:33,34 Enforce it: 1 Cor 5:1-8 Defend it: Eph 5:1-5 Preserve it: 2 Thes 3:14,15 Pursue it: Heb 12:14-17 Proclaim it: Dan 12:2,3 Invest on it: Hos 10:12 Righteousness builds; sin breaks.
HARVEST OF SURE RESTORATION There is a prospect of recovery for us: The promise: Joel 2:23-29 Physical restoration Spiritual restoration The preparation: Joel 2:15-18 Awakening unto spiritual things Brokenness and earnest prayer We must prepare for the true harvest: God is waiting to hear our cry!