Earthquakes and GPS data west of Myanmar. Earthquakes and GPS data west of Myanmar. GPS velocities relative to stable India taken from Maurin et al. (2010), Gahalaut et al. (2013) and Vernant et al. (2014) and converted to a consistent reference from Vernant et al. (2014). Coloured dots indicate earthquake locations from Stork et al. (2008). Black circles indicate depths <20 km, blue dots depths of 20–60 km, yellow dots depths of 60–100 km and red dots >100 km. Earthquake focal mechanisms are shown in bold colours when obtained through body-waveform modelling (Chen & Molnar 1990; Mitra et al. 2005) and faint colours when taken from the GCMT catalogue with depths constrained by Stork et al. (2008) or depth-phase modelling by Copley & McKenzie (2007). The dark-grey low-angle thrust was found to lie at 5 km by both Copley & McKenzie (2007) and Stork et al. (2008). Light-grey earthquakes were selected from the GCMT catalogue because their mechanisms match the shortening direction of the anticlines. No conclusive depth identifications have been made for these events. Im, Imphal; CMF, Churachandpur-Mao Fault; TCF, Thahtay Chaung Fault; CI, Cheduba; RI, Ramree Islands; SP, Shillong Plateau; IBR, Indo-Burman Ranges; NH, Naga Hills; TFB, Tripura Fold Belt; GBD, Ganges–Brahmaputra Delta. The inset panel is an enlargement of the area within the dashed grey box, and shows the topography of the TFB after high-pass filtering with a 40 km threshold to pick out the anticlines. RA, Rashidpur Anticline; SE, Srimangal Earthquake. R. A. Sloan et al. Geological Society, London, Memoirs 2017;48:19-52 © 2017 The Author(s). Published by The Geological Society of London. All rights reserved