Key Applications Module Lesson 16 — Excel Essentials Computer Literacy BASICS
Computer Literacy BASICS Objectives Identify the parts of the Excel screen. Create and navigate through a worksheet. Use the AutoCorrect and AutoComplete features in Excel. Insert and delete rows and columns. Change column width and row height, including using AutoFit to fit the column width to the cell contents. Computer Literacy BASICS
Computer Literacy BASICS Objectives (cont.) Copy, clear, move, and delete data. Use AutoFill to copy the same data into a range of cells. Format the contents of a cell and add shading and border formats to a range of cells. Use the Undo and Redo features. Computer Literacy BASICS
Computer Literacy BASICS Vocabulary Active cell Cell reference Fill handle Filling Range Workbook Worksheet Computer Literacy BASICS
Computer Literacy BASICS Microsoft Excel Excel is an electronic spreadsheet appli-cation designed to replace the tedious work of using pencils, paper, and calculators. A spreadsheet is used to gather, organize, and summarize text and numeric data. Spreadsheets are called worksheets in Excel. Computer Literacy BASICS
Computer Literacy BASICS Defining a Worksheet A worksheet is a grid of rows and columns into which you can enter numbers, text, and formulas. The worksheet in Excel is also used to perform calculations. A worksheet is stored in a workbook that contains one or more worksheets. Computer Literacy BASICS
Starting an Excel Worksheet When you first launch the Excel application, a blank worksheet is displayed. The new worksheet is titled Book1. This filename will remain until you choose Save As from the File menu and assign the document a new filename. The New Document task pane is displayed on the right side of the window when you open the application. Computer Literacy BASICS
The Structure of a Worksheet Columns in a worksheet appear vertically and are identified by letters at the top of the worksheet. Rows appear horizontally and are identified by numbers on the left side of the worksheet. Usually, the top row of a worksheet is used for explanatory text or column headings that identify the type of data in each column. The intersection of a single row and a single column is called a cell. Computer Literacy BASICS
Identifying the Parts of the Excel Window The cell reference identifies the column letter and row number (for example, A1 or B4). The Excel window has many features that are similar to other Office applications: Title bar Menu bar Toolbars Scroll bars Status bar Computer Literacy BASICS
Computer Literacy BASICS The Excel Window Formula bar Column labels Title bar Menu bar Formatting toolbar Cell reference Standard toolbar Vertical scroll bar Row labels Status bar Horizontal scroll bar Computer Literacy BASICS
Computer Literacy BASICS The Active Cell Click in a cell to select it, and a dark border will appear around the cell—this is the active cell. Once selected, you can enter data into the active cell. The active cell in a worksheet appears with a dark border around it. Computer Literacy BASICS
Computer Literacy BASICS Entering Data To begin entering data, simply key the information in the active cell. Then press Enter or click the Enter button (the green check mark) on the Formula Bar. Or press Tab to enter the information and then move to the cell to the right of the active cell. You can also enter data into the Formula bar. When you enter data that is too long for a cell, it may spill over into the next cell or display ##### in the cell. Computer Literacy BASICS
Moving Around in the Worksheet Computer Literacy BASICS
Cell Ranges in Worksheet When you select a group of cells in a worksheet, the group is called a range. All cells in a range touch each other and form a rectangle. The range is identified by the cell in the upper-left corner and the cell in the lower-right corner, separated by a colon, such as A1:D4. Computer Literacy BASICS
Selecting a Range of Cells To select an entire row in a worksheet, click the row number at the left of the screen. To select an entire column, click the column letter at the top of the document. You can also select a row, column, or section of a worksheet by clicking and dragging the mouse to highlight the area you want to select. A selected range has a dark border, and all the cells in the row, column, or block are shaded except the first cell (the upper-right cell in a block). Computer Literacy BASICS
AutoCorrect and AutoComplete AutoCorrect is a feature that automatically corrects commonly misspelled words as you key text. For example, if you key “teh,” AutoCorrect will change the text to “the.” AutoComplete anticipates what you are typing and displays a suggested word. It compares the first few characters you key with words in adjacent cells to see whether you are entering a series of similar words or data. Press Enter to accept the proposed word or keep keying data to ignore it. Computer Literacy BASICS
Inserting and Deleting Rows and Columns When you insert or delete cells in a work-sheet, all existing data is shifted in some direction. When you insert a row, all data below the new row is shifted down one row. Excel automatically updates cell references. To insert and delete rows and columns, use the commands on the Insert menu. You can insert multiple rows at one time. Computer Literacy BASICS
Changing Column Width and Row Height If you enter data that is too wide for a cell: The data may display as a series of # signs. The data may be cut off so only part of it is visible. The data may run outside the column. You can widen the column by Dragging the column border sideways. Using the Column Width command. Likewise, you can change row height to meet the requirements of the data in a row. Computer Literacy BASICS
Working with Data in Worksheet Cells After entering data in a cell, Excel offers tools to reorganize it, delete it, move it, or copy it. You can edit, replace, or clear cell content in worksheet cells. If you move away from the cell and select it again, anything you type will replace the existing contents. You an also make changes to cell contents in the Formula Bar. Computer Literacy BASICS
Clearing the Contents or the Formatting from a Cell To delete cell contents and leave the formatting intact, select the cell and press the Backspace or Delete key. This clears the contents of the cell, but not the format. If you enter new data, it is formatted the same way as the old data. To remove the format from a cell and leave the contents, select the cell, open the Edit menu, point to Clear, and select Format. This removes the format, but leaves the data intact. Computer Literacy BASICS
Computer Literacy BASICS Deleting a Cell When you use the Delete command on the Edit menu, you remove the cell entirely. The Delete command opens a dialog box with four options: You can delete one cell and shift the other cells to the left. You can delete one cell and shift the other cells up. You can delete an entire row. You can delete an entire column. Use caution when using the Delete command. The results may misalign data in your rows and columns. Computer Literacy BASICS
Copying and Moving Data To copy data from one or more cells to other cells: Select the cells to be copied. Click the Copy button on the Standard toolbar. Place the pointer in the new cell. Press the Paste button on the toolbar. To move data: Follow the same steps, but use the Cut button on the Standard toolbar instead of the Copy button. Computer Literacy BASICS
Computer Literacy BASICS AutoFill You can also copy data using AutoFill. This can only be used when the destination cells are adjacent to the source cells. You can fill data up or down in the same column. You can fill data left or right in the same row. To fill adjacent cells: Select the source cell. A small black fill handle appears in the lower-right corner. Drag the fill handle in the desired direction. Fill handle Computer Literacy BASICS
Formatting the Contents of a Cell Formatting the contents of a cell changes the way the data appears. You may want to change data alignment. You may want to add commas to large numbers. Some formatting features in Excel include Changing font, font attributes, and alignment Formatting numbers and dates Using Format Painter to format multiple cells Computer Literacy BASICS
Changing Fonts and Aligning Text To modify text, first select the cell or a group of cells. Once selected, use the Formatting toolbar to Change the typeface of existing text by selecting a new font. Apply bold, italic, or underline attributes to selected cells. Change text alignment using the alignment buttons. Computer Literacy BASICS
Adding Shading and Borders You can highlight a cell, a row of cells, or a column with color, shading, or borders. Select the cells you want to format and then open the Format Cells dialog box by selecting Cells from the Format menu. The Format Cells dialog box has six tabs including Number, Alignment, Font, Border, Patterns, and Protection. Use the Patterns tab to add a fill color or shading pattern. Use the Border tab to outline a cell or range of cells. Computer Literacy BASICS
Formatting Numbers and Dates You also can use the Format Cells dialog box to format numeric and data fields. There are several predefined categories you can choose from, and the options you can set vary for each category. Computer Literacy BASICS
Computer Literacy BASICS Format Painter Once you have formatted selected cells, you can copy the same format to other cells using the Format Painter. To use Format Painter in Excel: Select a cell that has the format you want to apply. Click the Format Painter button. Highlight all cells that you want to format the same as the selected cell. Computer Literacy BASICS
Computer Literacy BASICS The Undo Feature When editing a worksheet, you may change something you did not mean to change. You can use the Undo command on the Edit menu (or click the Undo button on the Standard toolbar) to reverse an action. To undo more than one recent action, click the list arrow on the Undo button to see a list of actions. If you click on an action in the Undo list, that action and all actions above it will be undone. Computer Literacy BASICS
Computer Literacy BASICS The Redo Feature You can use the Redo command on the Edit menu to reverse the result of an Undo command. Or click the Redo button on the Standard toolbar to reverse your last Undo command. You can also see the Redo action list of actions to redo by clicking the list arrow on the Redo button. When you click on an action in the Redo list, that action and all actions above it will be reinstated in the worksheet. Computer Literacy BASICS
Computer Literacy BASICS Summary The Excel screen has its own unique screen parts, menus, and toolbars. To enter data in a cell, the cell must be selected. You can use the mouse or the keyboard to move from one cell to another. Computer Literacy BASICS
Computer Literacy BASICS Summary (cont.) As you enter data, Excel will automatically correct some of your keyboarding errors. If the data you are entering matches characters of existing entries, Excel will propose the existing entry to save you time. When you insert or delete rows and columns, all existing data is shifted up, down, left, or right. Computer Literacy BASICS
Computer Literacy BASICS Summary (cont.) There are several options for changing the column width. You can drag a column border, use the AutoFit feature, or specify an exact measurement. To reorganize a worksheet, you can delete, clear, copy, or move the data. Computer Literacy BASICS
Computer Literacy BASICS Summary (cont.) The AutoFill command enables you to copy data from one cell to another or enter certain series of data, such as months or days of the week. When you format the contents of a cell, you change the appearance of the text or numbers in the cell. The Undo command reverses a previous action. The Redo command reverses an undo. Computer Literacy BASICS