Topographic Map Notes
1. Contour lines Connect points of equal elevation
2. The zero contour line is at sea level
3. Contour interval The difference in elevation between 2 consecutive contour lines.
What is the contour interval for this map What is the contour interval for this map? (How many feet between each line?)
4. Index contours Every 5th line may be darker and numbered rather than every line numbered.
Index contours-notice how every 5th line is numbered Index contours-notice how every 5th line is numbered. (What is the contour interval?)
5. Features of a topographic map A) steep slopes—closely spaced lines B) gentle slopes—widely spaced lines C) valley—u or v shaped lines D) depression—hachure lines on a closed circle E) mountain—circular contour lines getting smaller and smaller
Stream valleys
6. Flat surfaces have a small contour interval (5 feet or 5 meters) 7. Mountainous areas have a larger contour interval. (40 feet, 100 feet)
8. Contour lines A) are endless B) never branch or fork C) never cross D) form v’s that point upstream when they cross a stream