So, you want to buy a car? n This webquest is intended to help you go through the process of purchasing your first used car on your own. You will be guided along a series of tasks to be sure that you get the best deal possible.
First steps in car purchasing n Decide what you want in a car using the checklist on the first fill in page you were given. n Look in a local sales book, newspaper, online at or other source. n Write down the required information about two cars that interest you.
Second step in car purchase n You want to find out two items of information about each of the cars you are interested in. –1. What price are others paying for that car around here? –2. Have other people had problems with this make, model and year of car?
How do you find this out? n Go to Kelly Blue Book at or to check the price of that car as a model in fair condition being sold in this area. n You will need the Make, Model, Year, Options and mileage for your selected cars. n Write the information you get on your handout.
How do you find this out? (2) n Get copies of Consumer Reports Magazine Annual Auto issue. Look up information about your cars, listing at least 2 good and 2 bad points mentioned about the cars, or see if you can use their site, n Write this information on the handout.
Make a decision n Look at the information about the two cars and decide which of the two you believe is the best deal and should cause you the least repair problems.
Your choice n Write up the information required about your choice of a car on the sheet given n Go to Loan calculator and work out the payment schedule for the loan you will need for your car. Loan calculatorLoan calculator n Write a check for the down payment on the car and hand in all the papers stapled together with your check.
Congratulations! You now own a car of your own that you will be responsible to maintain and keep the insurance and registration current for from now on.