“Getting inside of your head”
Classical Conditioning
Classical Conditioning in Dating Make women/men love you! Figure out the: Neutral Stimulus UCS UCR CS CR
Classical Conditioning in Dating Neutral Stimulus No response
Classical Conditioning in Dating UCS UCR
Classical Conditioning in Dating Neutral Stimulus UCR and UCS
Classical Conditioning in Dating CS CR
Classical Conditioning in Dating But. . . Day 1
Classical Conditioning in Dating But. . . Day 2
Classical Conditioning in Dating But. . . Day 100
Classical Conditioning in Dating But. . . Day 150 Extinction
Or Second-order conditioning Something paired with the CS can itself begin to elicit the response
Or Stimulus Generalization Stimuli like the CS well tend to elicit the same response as the CS
Group Activity Why do you think a person might have social phobia? How would you cure a person with this problem?
Classical Conditioning Social Anxiety Social Phobia General Anxiety Learned helplessness
Classical Conditioning Example: Little Albert
Classical Conditioning Phobias Typically occur through association The feared object is paired with an unpleasant feelings Flooding Systematic desensitization
Classical Conditioning Food Deliver good news not bad news
Types of Learning 1) Habituation 2) Classical Conditioning 3) Operant Conditioning