Dark Matter Explanation in Singlet Extension of MSSM Jin Min Yang 杨 金 民 Institute of Theoretical Physics, Academia Sinica, Beijing 中国科学院 理论物理研究所 2009.11.20 国立清华大学
Outline 1. Dark Matter: Relic Density & Pamela 2. SUSY models: MSSM & Singlet Extension 3. Explanation of Dark Matter in SUSY & Implication on Higgs Physics 4. Conclusion
1. Dark Matter Relic Density DMh2 ~ 0.1: WMAP 0.4 H/cm3 V 220 km/s Cosmic Ray Anomalies: PAMELA ATIC Fermi
PAMELA _ e+ p
ATIC/Fermi ATIC Fermi
to explain dark matter relic density: -- thermal production in early universe to explain PAMELA: -- dark matter annihilation -- dark matter decay -- astrophysical (pulsar …)
to explain dark matter relic density: -- thermal production in early universe freeze-out to explain PAMELA: -- dark matter annihilation Pamela >> freeze-out annihilate dominantly to leptons
2. SUSY Models R-conserving SUSY Models · · · · MSSM , CMSSM (mSUGRA, …) NMSSM nMSSM · · · · NMSSM MSSM nMSSM GMSSM R-violating SUSY Models
MSSM Singlet Extension general singlet extension ( NMSSM, nMSSM, …) -problem little hierarchy general singlet extension
motivated from top-down view ? E6 models (superstring-inspired) string scale SO(10) U(1) … at low energy: S, Hu, Hd + heavy particles
MSSM + singlet MSSM + Fields: Spectrum: One more CP-odd Higgs (A1 or a ) MSSM + One more CP-even Higgs (h) One more neutralino 3 CP-even Higgs bosons 2 CP-odd Higgs bosons 5 neutralinos
3. Explain Dark Matter in SUSY In MSSM: LSP WIMP :
final states: gauge bosons, fermion pairs, … relic density: - f A f final states: gauge bosons, fermion pairs, … cross section: freeze-out (weak) cannot explain PAMELA ( …) Pamela >> freeze-out annihilate dominantly to leptons
To explain relic density + PAMELA: How about singlet extensions of MSSM ? Like MSSM, NMSSM, nMSSM, …. (with discrete symmetry) can explain relic density but not PAMELA ! Because relic density + other expts LSP mass in a narrow range No particle so light to give Sommerfeld enhance
(1) Relic density (WMAP) (2) Direct bounds: LEP1, LEPII, Tevatron NMSSM nMSSM (3) Precision Electroweak Data 1 , 2 , 3 (S, T, U) (4) Rb = (Zbb)/ (Zhadrons) (5) g-2 a (6) Stability of Higgs Potential
NMSSM arXiv: 0810.0989, in PRD ( Cao, Yang)
nMSSM arXiv: 0901.1437, in PRD(R) (Cao, Logan, Yang)
General singlet extension of MSSM: arXiv: 0906.0362 (Hooper, Tait) arXiv: 0908.0486, in JHEP (Wang, Xiong, Yang, Yu) Final states h ~ GeV, a < 0.5 GeV singlet-like Sommerfeld enhancement
h ~ GeV , a < 0.5 GeV arXiv: 0908.0486, in JHEP (Wang, Xiong, Yang, Yu)
arXiv: 0908.0486, in JHEP (Wang, Xiong, Yang, Yu)
Sommerfeld enhancement arXiv: 0908.0486, in JHEP (Wang, Xiong, Yang, Yu)
PAMELA Hooper, Tait 0906.0362
Implication on SM-like Higgs decay: arXiv: 0908.0486, in JHEP (Wang, Xiong, Yang, Yu)
are supressed other visible modes (like ) arXiv: 0908.0486, in JHEP (Wang, Xiong, Yang, Yu)
4. Conclusion MSSM NMSSM, nMSSM General singlet extension Precision Electroweak Data Rb g-2 . . . . . . . . . Dark Matter Relic Density General singlet extension PAMELA Exotic hSM decay testable at LHC