Car Free Day September 22, 2008
Annual worldwide event – a celebration of alternatives to driving alone. Gives residents and workers a chance to reflect on how their city might look and operate with fewer cars. Benefits to society include less traffic congestion, a greener environment and cost savings associated with reduced gasoline demand. What is Car Free Day?
Car Free Day first took place in three European cities in In 2000, Car Free Day went global. Today, Car Free Day is celebrated in 1,500 cities in 40 countries. What is Car Free Day?
2008 is first region-wide Car Free Day in the National Capital region. Area travelers will join millions throughout the world with a common mission. Travel by bicycling, walking, mass transit, carpooling/vanpooling or telework. What is Car Free Day?
Any residents and workers in the region can participate. Commuters who would ordinarily commute alone to work by car. Seniors, students and homemakers who ordinarily travel alone by car for errands throughout the day. What is Car Free Day?
Pledging to go Car Free Individuals can pledge at Goal is 10,000 pledges. Prize drawings, including transit passes, bicycles, walking shoes.
Car Free Day Web Site
Car Free Day Special Events Free downtown Circulator rides all day long! Street Closing Celebration on F Street between 7th and 9 th, live music, SmartBikes demos, Zipcar, free bike tune-ups Several vanpool companies are organizing free vanpools from select areas. Federal employees - free trial to work at Telework Centers throughout the region.
Car Free Day Special Events Arlington is hosting a WalkAbout event in Clarendon's Metro Park. Montgomery County is hosting events at five Metro stations The Washington Area Bicyclist Association will be offering free Confident City Cycling Classes.
Other Car Free Day Events Other related events held during the week leading up to CarFree Day and continue a week after. Alexandria Transportation Workshops Sept 17. WalkingTownSeptember 20 and September 21. Bike DC Sept 27.
Press Outreach COG press event September 2 w/ David Snyder, Falls Church Council Member and Vice Chair, TPB Comcast PSA w/ DC Council Member Tommy Wells to air during CNN Headline News. John Catoe, WMATA GM endorsement of Car Free Day - Washington Posts Express Paper.
Car Free Day Promotional Materials 60 Second Radio Spot.
Car Free Day Promotional Materials
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