Leveraging Your Professionals REGION VI REGIONAL LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE Leveraging Your Professionals Aug 10th-12th, 2018 University of Washington Seattle, WA
Overview Discussion: How are you connecting with your professionals now? Statistics you should know Strategic communication How do I keep professionals up to date? Important questions and answers Contact us
Discussion Question Speaker’s Notes: Discussion organization: You have 10 minutes Get in groups of 3 Discuss the question on the slide, and designate one person to speak for the group at the end of 10 minutes How are you currently connecting with your professionals now?
Statistics you should know Average Working American Statistics: Work hours: 8+ working hours between 7am-5pm Leisure Time: 4:30 Ex: fitness, TV, volunteering, etc Household activities: 1:30 Food preparation, cleaning, etc Winding down: Between 10pm-12am What stands out to you about these stats? Speaker’s Notes: What should stand out is the hours between 5pm-10pm are the primetimes to contact professionals Notes: General Stats: https://www.businessinsider.com/a-weekday-in-the-life-of-the-average-american-2012-8#4-hours-and-29-minutes-of-work-and-related-activities-3 Average end of work day: http://flowingdata.com/2015/12/15/a-day-in-the-life-of-americans/
Strategic Communication Best time to communicate: Between the hours of 5pm-10pm This is the best time to converse about time consuming topics Ex: Solicitation of funding, attending chapter meetings, phone calls Best time to start reaching out: at least 4-8 weeks before event
How do I keep professionals up to date? Treat contacting professionals similar a marketing plan: Start or keep a list with all professionals in it Ex: Google Spreadsheet, Excel document, MailChimp Ensure it has the following information at minimum: Full name, employment location, personal email (non-school), phone number Form a connectivity plan Quarterly professionals newsletter, Professional mentorship program, etc Execute on the connectivity plan Speaker’s Notes: Connection Plan: A plan in which you determine a strategy in which to contact your professionals This plan should at minimum have you connecting with your professionals every 4 times a year The goal is to keep the professionals up to date about what is going on and that you are active
Important Questions and Answer Should I only try to contact local professionals? Answer: No, you should contact all professionals Should I only send information out to just my professionals? Answer: No, if there is a local Professionals Chapter contact them too Should I contact my alumni for more than just funding? Yes, most professionals are looking for ways to give back One of our alumnus is extremely wealthy, should I only contact them when I need funds? No, here is why not: 50 professionals x $100 each = $5000
Professional Chapters and Locations Active Chapters Active in the Past 5 years: Phoenix Metro Professionals Portland-Metro Professionals NSBE Salt Lake Professionals Tri-Cities Professionals San Francisco Bay Area Professionals NSBE Seattle Professionals San Diego NSBE Professionals Los Angeles Silicon Valley Denver Long Beach Las Vegas Sacramento Albuquerque
Professionals Chair-Elect Region VI Professionals Board Contact Us Professionals Chair-Elect Demetri Wilright r6pebchairelect@nsbe.org Region VI Professionals Board r6peb@nsbe.org