Incom MCP 20µm Substrates 7/27/2010 Incom substrates, 33mm diameter 20µm pores, 8 deg bias, 60:1 L/D, 65% OAR Arradiance processed for resistive and emissive layer application + electrode Argonne processed for resistive and emissive layer application + electrode
Incom MCP Substrates, 20µm All have notches - Sent to Arradiance in March 2010 Photo of a notched 20µm 65% OAR, 8° bias, Photo of a notched 20µm 65% OAR, 8° bias, 60:1 L/D, finished substrate, prior to ALD coating. 60:1 L/D, finished substrate, prior to ALD coating. Note that there are triple point voids, some distorted channels at the multifiber boundaries, some blocked channels, and general distortions around the triple points
Arradiance processed MCPs, 20µm All have notches – From Arradiance in April 2010 S000474 Photo of a notched 20µm 65% OAR, 8° bias, Photo of a notched 20µm 65% OAR, 8° bias, 60:1 L/D, finished substrate, after ALD coating. 60:1 L/D, finished substrate, after ALD coating. Note that there are triple point voids, some distorted channels at the multifiber boundaries, some blocked channels, and general distortions around the triple points. All finished plates look similar, and all have the straight line delineations across the Multifibers. The uncoated substrates have these too – just not as obvious.
Argonne processed MCPs, 20µm All have notches – From Argonne in June 2010 Photo of a notched 20µm 65% OAR, 8° bias, Photo of a notched 20µm 65% OAR, 8° bias, 60:1 L/D, finished substrate after ALD coating. 60:1 L/D, finished substrate, after ALD coating. All finished plates look similar, many of the boundary zones have what looks like blocked channels. The extent varies from MCP to MCP. These MCPs have no electrodes as yet.
INCOM new 20µm substrates No notches – From Argonne in July 2010 Photo of a 20µm 65% OAR, 8° bias, Photo of a 20µm 65% OAR, 8° bias, 60:1 L/D, finished substrate, prior to ALD coating. 60:1 L/D, finished substrate, prior to ALD coating. Note that there are triple point voids, some distorted channels at the multifiber boundaries, some blocked channels, and general distortions around the triple points. Not unlike the 20µm pore substrates with the notch.
Incom MCP 20µm Substrates Observations New Incom 20µm substrates, without notches look much like the old ones with notches There are straight line features within multifibers, stacking of different fibers?? There are triple point voids, some distorted channels at the multifiber boundaries, some blocked channels, and general distortions around the triple points. Argonne processed for resistive and emissive layers have blocked channel issues.