Where is information used? The Way Business Works What is Information? Information is a bunch of data gathered into something usable. Without information companies and businesses could not function properly. Information is very useful to keep track on things and to understand them. Where is information used? Information is used in workplaces, schools/colleges/universities, shops, websites. Letters are used in everyday business communicating between other businesses/customers. Agendas are used by businesses that hold multiple objectives in one day such as regular meetings and events. They exist to keep everything organised. Diaries are more personal which enables people to write various experiences and also writing things to so that they wont forget an appointment or event. Survey Research is for gathering a bunch of data based on multiple peoples opinions. They could be used to improve services in stores for example. Images are generally for capturing a moment or event which can be used in research, marketing and recreational purposes.
Information Types & Sources Sources of Information Finance/Accounting Marketing/Advertising Purchasing Manufacturing Distribution Sales/Customer Service Administration Government Types of Raw Data Qualitative Data Data that cannot be counted but judged by opinions i.e. “The majority of customers give 4 stars and above rating for good quality items and service.” Quantitative Data Data that can be counted for and/or measured i.e. “there were 83 customers out of 160 surveyed that gave 4 stars and above for the good quality items and services.” Primary Data Fairly direct data that you would handle directly for example, surveys for your own business employees to receive feedback on overall quality of their work environment. Secondary Data This is data that you would collect in order to pass on to a third party for review for example comparing overall staff performance ratings between businesses.
Information Communication Data Analysis Below is an example on how information is communicated. This table typically shows how businesses would present the track of profits. This could be an example of how a coffee shop would track the sales of their different drinks. 09/10/2013 Sean Oram
Information Characteristics Characteristics of Information Validity Information is not of much use if it doesn’t even fit for the purpose of use. Valid data is the most significant characteristic of information, it is important that a data/information organiser ensures that it is completely accurate. Reliability It is important for data/information to be reliable. Working with a bunch of data to finally find out your work is incorrect due to the cause of unreliable information is not a desired outcome. Timeliness It is good practise to have deadlines in which data/information is gathered/prepared in time for its intended purpose i.e. a conference meeting where some information is time-specific. Fitness For Purpose Information should be fit for purpose for maximum impact. In order to find out whether information is fit for purpose we would first need to set criteria in which to compare it to. An example would be comparing a detailed stock chart with labels and additional marking to one that does not have much detail at all. Accessibility Information in a business would not have much use to the departments that could use it if it is held back. As business departments should work together for maximum productivity sharing information with the departments that would find it useful would probably boost business efficiency by at least 20% more.
Issues Regarding Information List of Many Issues With Information. Legal/Copyright Confidentiality Ethical Issues Details of the many issues with Information. Legal/Copyright There is the Data Protection Act 1998 with the 8 key elements that businesses must follow to avoid uses under this category and many other issues regarding the handling of information. These 8 key points simplified below. Processed fairly and lawfully. Obtained for specific or lawful purposes. Personal data should be adequate and non excessive. Personal data should be accurate and kept up to date. Personal data should not be kept too long for a specific purpose. Confidentiality Issues with confidentiality such as hospitals with medical records. If these were to accidently be leaked this could lead to very serious issues with many individuals. Staff responsible for the exposure or loss of such sensitive records could be prosecuted and lose their jobs for failing to keep it confidential. The hospital in the end is responsible for keeping the information safe. Ethical Issues