E2020 Policies Mrs. Vanessa Looper
E2020 Policies E NOTES/Notebook MUST include: Date (EACH day worked on E2020) Title of EACH section and its subsections NO NOTES = NO RETAKES = RESET OF ENTIRE SECTION
1st Attempt (Quiz, Topic Test, Unit Test, etc.) E2020 Policy 1st Attempt (Quiz, Topic Test, Unit Test, etc.) No grade check. 2nd Attempt (Quiz, Topic Test, Unit Test, etc.) 1 grade check. Grade % will NOT be given. Student will be informed if he/she “passed.” Mrs. Looper will review with you 1st attempt for learning.
3rd Attempt (Quiz, Topic Test, Unit Test, etc.) E2020 Policy 3rd Attempt (Quiz, Topic Test, Unit Test, etc.) Mrs. Looper reserves the right to review and determine if student is to be reset to the beginning of the section, reassigned subsections, direct instruction needs to occur, etc., according to E2020 data and observation of student’s notes and study habits.