Washington County Public Schools / Voluntary State Curriculum VSC CO 2 Car Project 1.B.7 Explain that requirements involve the identification of the criteria and constraints of a product or system and the determination of how they affect the final design and development. 3.A.1 Explain that the design process is a systematic, iterative, approach to problem solving that yields design solutions. 3.A.2 Explain that the design process includes defining a problem, brainstorming, researching and generating ideas, identifying criteria and specifying constraints, exploring possibilities, selection an approach, developing a design proposal, making a model or prototype testing and evaluating a design, using specifications, refining a design, creating or making it, and communicating processes and results. 3.A.4Analyze the phases of the design process 3.A.5 Explain why designs need to be continually checked and critiqued, and the ideas of the design must be redefined and improved. 3.A.6 Explain that requirements of a design, such as criteria, constraints, and efficiency, sometimes compete with each other. 3.B.1 Describe the personal characteristics involved in engineering at least Creativity, resourcefulness, ability to visualize and think abstractly 3.B.4 Explain that a prototype is a working model used to test a design concept by making actual observations and necessary adjustments. 3.B.5Explain that the process of engineering design takes into account a number of factors. 3.B.6 Explain constraints on the engineering design process. At Least: Safety, Reliability, Economic Considerations, Quality Control, Environmental Concerns, Manufacturability, Maintenance, Human Factors Engineering (Ergonomics) 3.C.4 Refine a design by using prototypes and modeling to ensure quality, efficiency, and productivity of the final product. 3.C.5 Evaluate the design solution using conceptual, physical, and mathematical models at various intervals of the design process in order to check for proper design and to note areas where improvements are needed
Washington County Public Schools / Voluntary State Curriculum CO 2 Car Project 3.C.6Develop and produce a product or system using a design process 3.C.7Evaluate final solutions and communicate observations, processes, and results of the entire design process, suing verbal, graphic, quantitative, visual and written means in addition to three dimensional models. At Least: Define the problem, Brainstorm, Research and generate ideas., Identify criteria and specify constraints, explore possibilities, select an approach, develop a design proposal, make a model or prototype, test and evaluate the design, redesign, create or make it, communicate processes or results. 3.D.1Select and use the appropriate tools and equipment in: making two-dimensional and three- dimensional representations of design solutions, forming and molding processes., machining processes, assembly processes 3.D.2Select and use tools based on the properties of materials 3.D.3Select and use tools and instruments in the testing and evaluation of design solutions. 4.A.1Describe the core technologies (mechanical, structural, electrical, electronic, thermal, fluid, optical, bio, and material) as they are applied in the designed world. 4.A.2Analyze the functioning of the core technologies in the designed world. In terms of Common components, basic system design, safety, simple controls, system performance evaluation. 4.B.1Identify and describe application of mechanical technology in the designed world. Such as: Levers, Inclined planes, Wedges, Wheels and axles, Pulleys, Screws, Gears, Cams, Linkages 4.B.2Explain science concepts and mathematic processes applied in mechanical technology such as: Force, Motion, Energy, Work, Power, Efficiency, Gravity, Friction 5.D.3Explain that it is impossible to build an engine to perform work that does not exhaust thermal energy to the surroundings 5.D.5Explain that power systems must have a source of energy, a process, and loads 5.F.1Explain that transportation plays a vital role in the operation of other technologies, such as manufacturing, construction, communication, health and safety, and agriculture. 5.F.2Analyze transportation systems. Such as: Land, Water, Air, Space 5.F.3Analyze the role transportation plays in the operation of other enterprises, such as manufacturing, construction, communication, health and safety, and agriculture.
How Fast Can You Go? Co 2 Car Activity Rate x Time = Distance
Objectives 1. What is CO 2 ? 2.What event with the CO 2 is happening to provide an energy source to propel your car down the track? 3.What tools will you need to prepare your car? 4.What is the formula for speed? 5.How do you convert feet traveled per second into miles per hour? 6.How will aerodynamics play a role? 7.Teachers are your wind machines working? 8.How is your CO 2 car impacted by Newtons laws of motion? 9.Record one safety precaution you have taken on each piece of equipment you used to build your car.
The Design Brief You are the head of the drag racing team commissioned to design, construct, and race the fastest drag car of the future, powered by compact CO 2 (carbon dioxide gas) power plants. In order to enter the championship, you must design, manufacture, and race your car using the specified instructions in the coming slides.
CO 2 Car Restrictions And Regulations
Maximum Sizes 14 long x 3 ½ x 1 ½
Minimum Size 8 Long x 3 ½ x 1 ½
Restrictions * Track length = 50 Feet * 2 Eye hooks on the bottom of the vehicle to serve as a guide for the wire * Pine wood * CO 2 Cartridge must be safely encased in the vehicle; Dimensions of Hole ???L X ????W X ????H * Three CO 2 cartridges per vehicle best time will be counted, you may modify your vehicle between runs. *Creativity in design and décor must be school appropriate *Rubric
Things To Consider That May Impact Performance Of Your Car Weight Aerodynamics Friction Design Shape Rules of the competition
Top 3 Times Of The Day 1 st 2 nd 3 rd Mod 1 Mod 2A Mod 2B
Review What time did your car have for the competition? What modifications did you do to your design before production? What changes to the design would you do after the competition? What were some design flaws you have encountered? Could CO 2 be used to propel cars on the road today? What constraint was the most difficult to follow in your design? Was it better to have a lift force or a down force aerodynamics style? Why?
Speed? What was Your Speed in Miles Per Hour?
Formula Your race time on the Speedway Clock tells you that it took ___ seconds to travel 50 feet. Can anyone tell the class how to convert your speed to miles per hour? Anyone? …The way speed limits are measured in cars. Anyone? Anyone… Anyone … Anyone… »Ben Stein from Ferris Buellers Day Off
Formula Here is what is known: 1.The number of seconds it took your car to travel 50 feet 2.There is 5,280 feet in a mile 3.There are 3600 seconds in an hour