BACKGROUND: 2002: Palermo Protocol ratified through Act 8302 of September 12, 2002, published in La Gaceta N°123 of June 27, 2003. 2004: Development of the Protocol for the Repatriation of Boys, Girls, and Adolescents Victims of Trafficking. Trata de Blancas actualmente mal utilizado, refiere al trasiego de mujeres de raza blanca específicamente de Europa hacia el oriente, esto escandalizó en la época y visualizó el problema. Es un término racista y limitante, debido a que se da también la venta de PME y hombres.
BACKGROUND: 2005: CNCTIMTP established through Executive Decree No. 32824. Reformed in 2008. 2009: The Immediate Response Team (ERI) is established. 2010: National Development Plan 2010-2014: To increase police actions against organized crime; To strengthen migration controls; To increase actions to prevent and provide assistance to victims of migrant smuggling and trafficking. October 2012: The Law Against Trafficking in Persons is passed, the National Coalition is established, the Immediate Response Team (ERI) is made official, and the criminal type of the crime of trafficking in persons and related crimes is adapted. Trata de Blancas actualmente mal utilizado, refiere al trasiego de mujeres de raza blanca específicamente de Europa hacia el oriente, esto escandalizó en la época y visualizó el problema. Es un término racista y limitante, debido a que se da también la venta de PME y hombres.
Costa Rica CNTIMTP: In 2005, the CNCTIMTP is established: To provide comprehensive assistance to victims, ensuring protection. To prevent the impunity of criminals. To develop a State public policy relating to the topic and to establish specific sectorial actions.
CNCTIMTP 1. Prevention 4. Information, analysis, and investigation 2. Assistance to victims 3. Justice administration 4. Information, analysis, and investigation
Providing information ASSISTANCE Model for Comprehensive Assistance to Surviving Victims of Trafficking Rescued in 2010-2012: 140 victims Food Health Counselling Providing information Establishing the status of victim of trafficking, migration category 2010-12: 89 Protection/ Shelter
JUSTICE ADMINISTRATION Protocols: With the Public Forces/Immigration/ PANI/Law Against Organized Crime, Law for the Assistance to Victims and Witnesses/Immigration Act Act 9095 Against Trafficking in Persons Approved at the second debate, Oct. 1, 2012
INFORMATION, ANALYSIS, AND INVESTIGATION Statistics Police Information Platform (OIJ) Mapping A directory to improve coordination
Members of CNCTIMTP: INAMU MEP UNHCR LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY CCSS CIDEHUM (International Centre for Human Rights of Migrants) CNREE Human Rights Ombudsman’s Office General Directorate of Migration and Immigration (DGME) DIS (Directorate of Intelligence and Security) DNI (Defensa de Niñas y Niños Internacional) Rahab Foundation SCALABRINIAN SISTERS IAFA IMAS INA INAMU MEP Ministry of the Interior, Police, and Public Security Ministry of Justice and Peace Attorney General’s Office Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cult Ministry of Health MTSS OIJ IOM PANI / CONACOES PANIAMOR UNICEF
THE FOLLOWING TOOLS ARE AVAILABLE: NATIONAL: -Law Against Trafficking in Persons - National Guidelines - Immediate Response Team (ERI) With a Model for Comprehensive Assistance to Surviving Victims of the Crime - Protocols for Action: Immigration/PANI/Public Forces The General Directorate of Migration and Immigration, together with ESME, screens vulnerable populations. REGIONAL: - Regional Coalition ( Costa Rica / Secretariat) Regional Guidelines Regional Strategy for Assistance to Victims Strategic Plan of the Regional Coalition Regional Communication Strategy Signing the Regional Memo of Understanding
Immediate Response Team (ERI): Established by decree and strengthened by the Law Against Trafficking in Persons 2012. A specialized inter-institutional body for assistance to victims of trafficking in persons. Of a confidential nature. Composed of: Technical Secretariat of CNCTIMTP, DGME, Public Forces, INAMU, MTSS, OIJ, Attorney General’s Office, and PANI. In addition: IOM, UNHCR, and ILO.
Immediate Response Team To address all potential situations of trafficking. To establish the status of victim of trafficking in order to enable the person to have access to specific services being provided. To implement immediate intervention actions to ensure assistance, protection, and security of the victim or person suspected of being a victim. To assess and identify situations of trafficking in persons.
HUMAN RIGHTS: PRINCIPLES Equality, Non-discrimination Protection Propor-tionality and Need Confidentiality Re-victimization Participation and Information Human Dignity
RELEVANT UNITS JUDICIARY: DGME: Professional Migration Police: 2299-8195, 2299-8196 Police Investigation and Intelligence Unit: 2299-8023 Specialized Units for the Protection of Under-Age Persons (UEPME) Migrant Smuggling and Trafficking Management Tel: 2290-2814, 2299-8043 Fax: 2290-2789 JUDICIARY: OIJ: Unit Against Trafficking in Persons: 800 8000645 Office for Assistance to Victims Public Prosecutor’s Office Against Organized Crime
General Directorate of Migration and Immigration THANK YOU! General Directorate of Migration and Immigration CNCTIMTP Costa Rica 2012