Parent Teacher Meeting 2019 Mrs Helen Elston Mrs Gail McLay Header Page Parent Teacher Meeting 2019 Mrs Helen Elston Mrs Gail McLay
PBS (Positive Behaviour School) Reporting to Parents Semester 1 & 2 reports will be sent home at the end of Week 9 in Term 2 & 4. Curriculum Our school web site has a summary of all learning areas taught across the school. For more detailed information on year level scope and sequence documents, please refer to our school web page – Curriculum – Useful Links – School Curriculum and Standards Authority PBS (Positive Behaviour School) Please help us promote our school values by putting these into practise at home. Each week we concentrate on one of our values. We are working on Responsibility, Respect, Resilience and Reach for your Best.
Talking with My School About Enquiry or Concerns Discuss your enquiry or concern with the class teacher Depending on the circumstances you may make an appointment to speak to the school principal If you have any concerns, please contact us so we can set up a time to meet.
Daily Siren Times: All students who arrive at school before 8:30am are to wait in the undercover area. They will be dismissed when a handbell rings at 8:30am. Please make sure your child is here by 8.30 so they are unpacked and ready for start time at 8.45. After School If you are picking children up please make sure you pick them up in a timely manner. Children are not to be left waiting unsupervised in the playground. The Pre Primary /Year 1 playground is open till 3:30pm ONLY for children from Kindy – Year 2 who have parents supervising from inside the playground area.
Sun Safe Students ill at School Lice Burrendah Primary School has a “NO HAT NO PLAY IN THE SUN” policy All students are asked to wear a school uniform. Please put names on all hats and clothing. All students without hats will be sent to the undercover area. Sun safe reversible bucket hats, not caps, are the endorsed school hat. Students ill at School If your child is ill – they should not be at school. If your child has had a fever, vomiting or diarrhoea in the previous 24 hours please do not send them to school. If your child does not attend school please phone the office or provide a written note or verbally inform the class teacher. Lice Children must be treated for lice. Students will be requested to go home if live lice or eggs are detected in your child’s hair. They can return when treated.
Medication Staff can administer medication if required. For short term medication requirements, parents are requested to complete the ‘short term authorisation’ form available from the classroom teacher. For ‘medic alert’ students completed medical action plans are to be completed in consultation with the parents and the Deputy Principal. If your child has any form of asthma please inform the office and provide the necessary puffers. Do not leave asthma medication in school bags for children to administer independently without teacher supervision.
Parent Helpers—Confidential Declaration Parents who assist in classrooms or on excursions etc., will be required to complete a declaration form of confidentiality. This process is a legal requirement to help safeguard students. If you are able to help with Oxford Words from 8.30 to 9.00 on a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday please put your name on the parent roster. Please see us for a declaration form. In-School Activities and Excursions Throughout the year, in-school activities and excursions may be arranged to support the long term goals of the school and classroom learning programs. Please return all notes and monies within the time frame requested. Please speak to the Principal if you are having financial difficulties and a plan for payment can be drawn up. The wearing of full school uniform is considered essential for students representing the school and going on school outings.
Birthday Cakes School Communication If you wish to send a birthday cake to celebrate your child’s birthday please ensure it is kept simple with no nuts and minimal icing. Individual cakes or muffins are best. Burrendah Primary School has a Healthy Food Policy which excludes lollies and chocolates. Lolly bags cannot be distributed by class teachers . School Communication A newsletter will be emailed to parents each Thursday fortnight in Weeks 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10. Newsletters and the website are the two main ways the school communicates with parents. If you have lost a notice which needs to be returned to school, it will be available on our website. SMS messages will also be sent to alert parents of urgent matters or coming events. Mobile phone numbers, work contact numbers and email addresses must be kept up to date so we can communicate effectively and also make contact in an emergency.
All parents are welcome to attend community assemblies. Dates will be announced in the newsletter. Parents will be informed when it is our class who will lead the assembly If your child is receiving a merit certificate you will be contacted so you can share this event with them. A special morning tea in the hall is provided by the organising classes. Parent Class Representatives The school would like every class to have a parent representative to co ordinate the assembly morning tea and to be the contact person if the class teacher or school administration needs a volunteer for excursions or special events. Please speak to us today if you are willing to be our class representative. Please refer to the Roles & Responsibilities of Parent Class Representatives on the school website under the Community tab for more information.
Homework Policy Our new homework policy and guidelines are available on our school website. Each child has a homework file which will go home everyday and must be returned in the morning. Please check for notes or information. Children are expected to read aloud to a parent for at least 10 minutes every day. Please ask questions about what is being read and record the reading in the reading folder. A letter has been sent home with ideas for questioning when reading. The reading folder will be checked every Friday morning. The Sound Waves spelling list will be sent home on a Monday and the children will be tested on a Thursday. If your child finds the list too easy or too difficult please let us know. It is a requirement for Yr 2 that children know their 2, 5 and 10 times tables – many will go further than this. Tables need to be practised at home for instant recall. Addition and subtraction bonds need to be practised daily at home. (At the moment adding and taking away using numbers up to 10) Use larger numbers when your child can cope with them. Encourage your child to problem solve mathematically. Telling time – both analogue and digital. (o’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past)
Our news day is a Friday and each child will be doing their news every second week. Please help your child to prepare and practise at home. We will send home news topics and roster shortly. Reading Eggs and Mathletics can be done at home. The children’s passwords are in their homework file. Some Yr 2s will be attending Alpha to Omega classes with Mrs Nichols or Multilit with Mrs Nicholas to help them with spelling and phonics. Children attending Literacy Group will go to Mrs Nichols three mornings a week.
Faction shirts to be worn on faction assembly days – please refer to dates sent out to parents re assemblies. Please check that your child wears the correct school uniform to school. Please encourage your child to be asleep by 8.00 at night in order to be fresh in the morning. Monitor what your child watches on TV and on the computer. Please discourage games which are violent. If there are any changes at home that will affect your child at school, please let us know.
Our news day is a Friday and each child will be doing their news every second week. Please help your child to prepare and practise at home. We will send home news topics and roster shortly. Reading Eggs and Mathletics can be done at home. The children’s passwords are in their homework file. Encourage them to use these programs at home please. Some Yr 2s will be attending Alpha to Omega classes with Mrs Nichols to help them with spelling and phonics. Children attending Literacy Group will go to Mrs Nichols three mornings a week.
Our focus this year is to encourage the children to become independent, resilient and responsible. Please help your child by putting this into practise at home as well. For your information: Tuesday: Library and Sport Thursday: Music with Ms Coleman Science with Mrs Crouch Friday: Art with Ms McGuirk