The Breakfast Club: Characters History Through Film Mr. Clark
Andrew Clark
Andrew Clark ATHLETE Varsity wrestler- state champion Defends Claire from John Conflicts with John Worries about more detentions
Brian Ralph Johnson
Brian Ralph Johnson BRAIN “nerdy” member of group Member of “academic clubs” Picked on by Bender, Claire Defended by Andrew (?)
John Bender
John Bender CRIMINAL Hoodlum of group Pulled fire alarm Conflict with Principal Vernon results in more detentions Conflicts with “cool kids”- Claire and Andrew
Claire Standish
Claire Standish PRINCESS Spoiled, rich girl Same social circle as Andrew- “cool kids” Conflict with Bender Looks down on Brian
Allison Reynolds
Allison Reynolds BASKETCASE quiet weird Says nothing- sits in back
Principal Vernon
Principal Vernon Administrator in charge of Saturday detentions Wants students to write essay on “Who they think they are?” Conflicts with Bender
Carl the Janitor * “Eyes and ears of the building” *Teaches the principal and the kids a lesson about how to look at others *Honest